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OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code. 13th and 14th editions (2004 and 2005) from the World Organization for Animal Health, Paris, France. 14th edition, 2005. ISBN 92-9044-635-8. Ref.: A 135; Jacques Euzéby, Gilles Bourdoiseau, Claude-Marie Chauve: Dictionnaire de parasitologie médicale et vétérinaire (Dictionary of Medical and Veterinary Parasitology). Éditions Tec & Doc - EM Inter - Lavoisier. Cachan, France, 2005. 492 pages. ISBN 2-7430-0705-2;

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Analysis of flagellin genes was carried out on strains of Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Hadar, Salmonella Abortusequi, Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Gallinarum serovars, using a PCR system designed in this study. The purpose of these studies was to explore the flagellin genes of biphasic and monophasic Salmonellae for future targeted genetic interventions. The PCR primers were designed for two different structural genes of flagellin (fliC, fljB), for the repressor of fliC (fljA), for the operator region of fliC, and for the invertase system responsible for phase variation in Salmonella (hin, hixL, hixR). PCR analysis revealed that all of the examined genes (fliC, fliC-operator, fljB, fljA, hin, hixL, hixR) were present in all S. Typhimurium (n = 10)and S. Hadar (n = 10) strains tested. The results obtained on S. Typhimurium and S. Hadar strains confirmed their biphasic character at DNA level. However, the S. Enteritidis (n = 46) and S. Gallinarum (n = 5) strains lacked the invertase system (hin, hixL, hixR) as well as the fljA and fljB genes, while fliC and its operator were detectable. Consequently, the S. Enteritidis strains could only express fliC gene resulting in phase H1 flagellin. The examined S. Gallinarum strains were also demonstrated to have a cryptic flagellin gene (fliC). On the other hand, PCR results on S. Abortusequi (n = 2) indicated that both flagellin genes (fliC, fljB) and the whole phase variation system were present in both strains tested but only the H2 phase gene (fljB) was expressed. The phenotype of these strains could be clarified by motility test and/or by classical flagellar serology. The findings are also substantiated by the results of serovar-specific PCR for S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis. In conclusion, the PCR system developed in this study proved to be suitable for characterisation of Salmonella flagellin genes and confirmed serological results regarding all S. Typhimurium, S. Hadar and S. Enteritidis strains. This system could also identify cryptic flagellar genes of S. Abortusequi and S. Gallinarum.

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The goal of this study was to improve the diagnostic applicability of genus- and serovar- (S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium) specific PCR systems in screening faecal and caecal samples of poultry, poultry feed and poultrymeat for Salmonella, by keeping the opportunity to obtain Salmonella cultures from positive samples. Peptone broth pre-enrichment cultures of the samples were tested by PCR. In faecal and caecal samples from broiler chicks a strong inhibitory action was frequently observed. This could be reduced markedly by the addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) acting as amplification facilitator. The results of testing pre-enrichment cultures from artificially contaminated faecal, poultry feed and poultrymeat samples (using S. Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium and S. Hadar as contaminants) suggest that the sensitivity of the above systems is 101-102 CFU g-1 sample. The testing of 95 caecal samples from slaughtered chicks resulted in 49% culture-positive and 76% PCR-positive samples. The suitability of a generic real-time PCR for testing faecal samples of poultry was also studied. Its detection limit for these samples was found to be lower than that of the diagnostic PCR system. Both methods reduced the time required for Salmonella detection to 24-30 h, and the advantage of the real-time PCR was its increased sensitivity. We have established a diagnostic and a real-time PCR system for rapid and reliable genus- and serovar- (S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium) specific detection of Salmonella for monitoring purposes in the poultry food chain. Sensitivity is equal to, or higher than, that of the standard bacterial culture method, and the method still provides the Salmonella culture if needed.

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Orvosi Hetilap
Krisztina Marosi
Endre Horváth
Péter Nagy
Bernadett Köles
, and
Zsolt B. Nagy

Az utóbbi években megerősítést nyert a fizikai teljesítmény jelentős mértékű genetikai meghatározottsága. Emellett a sportoláshoz köthető sérülésekre és betegségekre való genetikai hajlamról is egyre nagyobb ismeretanyag áll rendelkezésünkre. A teljesítményt befolyásoló génpolimorfizmusok vizsgálata lehetőséget kínál a sportági kiválasztási rendszer fejlesztésére. A sportoló genetikai profiljának ismerete a jövőben lehetővé teszi a személyre szabott edzésprogram kidolgozását és ezáltal a teljesítmény potenciális növelését. A genetikai tesztek a jövőben fontos szerepet játszhatnak a sérülések és a betegségek genetikai kockázati tényezőinek szűrésében is. Orv. Hetil., 2012, 153, 1247–1255.

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The mechanisms leading to the development of eosinophilia were investigated in 65 patients with immunodermatological disorders, including the role of eosinophilotactic cytokines and the possible involvement of human T-cell leukemia virus, HTLV. HTLV-1 gag proviral sequences were revealed in two cases of lymphoproliferative disorders such as angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) and CD4+ cutaneous lymphoma, respectively. Increased level of GM-CSF was detected in 33% of disorders studied. Elevated level of IL-5 and eotaxin was detected in 27% and 30%, respectively, of patients with bullous diseases. Elevated level of GM-CSF and eotaxin was found in 33% and 46%, respectively, of patients with inflammatory diseases. Neither of the four cytokines, however proved to be responsible alone or together for the induction of eosinophilia. The possible indirect role of human retroviruses through induction of eosinophilic chemotactic cytokines is hypothesized.

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Mutations in the HIV-1 genes associated with resistance to antiretroviral drugs were detected also in primary HIV infected individuals who did not receive antiretroviral treatment. Drug resistance genotyping of HIV pol gene was done by in situ DNA hybridization using a Line Probe Assay and by direct sequencing. Viral variants harbouring resistance mutations such as: M41, T69R, K70R, M184V, T215Y in the pol gene were detected in 14% of the subjects. HIV mutants resistant to NRT inhibitors were found in 10 and 20% of patients infected before and after the year 2000, respectively. Multiple drug resistant viruses (2–3 drug classes) were present in 3.5% of the mainly recently infected patients. In protease gene only minor resistant mutations were found such as L10I and A71V.These findings indicate the evolution of drug resistance showing a correlation with the time of introduction of combination therapy in our country, where more than 70% of HIV infections were by homo/bisexual transmission.This confirms the transmission of drug-resistant HIV shown by genotype testing during primary infection in therapy-naive patients and initiates serious clinical and public health consequences.

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Background and aims

Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is one of the most common causes of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The most important cause of death among ADPKD patients is cardiovascular (CV). The aim of this study was to examine the prognostic significance of arterial stiffness on CV and renal outcomes in ADPKD.


A total of 55 patients with ADPKD were examined. Pulse wave velocity was determined and stiffness index (SIDVP) was calculated. Combined primary endpoints (CV and renal) were major CV events (myocardial infarction, stroke, and CV intervention) as CV endpoints, and attaining of ESRD or start of renal replacement therapy as renal endpoints. Secondary endpoints were CV or renal endpoints separately.


The mean age of those 55 ADPKD patients was 45 ± 12 years, 21 patients were male. The average value of the SIDVP was 11.11 ± 2.22 m/s. The patients were divided into two groups by the cutoff value of 11 m/s of SIDVP and then outcomes were analyzed. In the higher arterial stiffness group (SIDVP > 11 m/s), occurrence of combined primary endpoint (CV and renal) was significantly higher than in the group with more elastic arteries (p = 0.033). A statistically significant difference was found in the renal endpoints (p = 0.018), but not in the CV endpoints (p = 0.952) between the two groups.


Increased arterial stiffness predicts the onset of ESRD in ADPDK. Assessment of SIDVP appears to be a useful method for estimating the renal and CV prognosis in ADPKD.

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Orvosi Hetilap
József Gábor Joó
Szabolcs Ládi
B. Zsolt Nagy
, and
Zoltán Langmár

A családi halmozódást mutató petefészek- és emlőrákok többségéért a BRCA1/2 gének mutációi felelősek. A rosszindulatú petefészek-daganatok hozzávetőleg 10%-a alakul ki a BRCA1/2 gének csíravonalbeli mutációja következtében. A daganatok többsége serosus és endometrioid szövettani típusú és rosszul differenciált. A mutációkat hordozó nők esetében a 40 éves életkor elérésekor vagy a családterv lezárásakor kockázatcsökkentő salpingo-oophorectomia javasolt. Napjainkban nincsen különbség a sporadikus és a herediter petefészekrákok kezelése között, bár a BRCA1/2 mutációk jelenlétekor a célzott terápia nagyobb hatékonyságát észlelték. A retrospektív tanulmányokban a mutációk fennállásakor a platinaszármazékokkal szemben érzékenyebbek voltak a daganatok, és a korai vizsgálatok szerint a mutációt hordozó, előrehaladott petefészekrákban szenvedők esetében hatékonyabb volt a poli-ADP-ribóz polimeráz gátlóival történő kezelés is. Ezeknek a szereknek a kemoprevencióban is szerepe lehet. Közleményünkben a családi halmozódású petefészekrák ellátásának elveit foglaljuk össze. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 1596–1608.

Open access

The mediodorsal prefrontal cortex (mdPFC) is a key structure of the central glucose-monitoring (GM) neural network. Previous studies indicate that intracerebral streptozotocin (STZ) microinjection-induced destruction of local chemosensory neurons results in feeding and metabolic alterations. The present experiments aimed to examine whether STZ microinjection into the mdPFC causes metabolic deficits. To do so, glucose tolerance test (GTT) and measurements of plasma metabolites were performed in STZ-treated or control rats. Intraperitoneal D-glucose load was delivered 20 min or 4 weeks following the intracerebral microinjection of STZ or saline (acute or subacute GTT, respectively). The STZ-treated rats displayed acute glucose intolerance: at the 120th min of the test, blood glucose level of these rats was significantly higher than that of the ones in the control group. When determining the plasma level of various metabolites, 30 min following the intracerebral STZ or saline microinjection, the triglyceride concentration of the STZ-treated rats was found to be reduced compared with that of the control rats. The GM neurons of the mdPFC are suggested to be involved in the organization of complex metabolic processes by which these chemosensory cells contribute to adaptive control mechanisms of the maintenance of homeostasis.

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