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Ten myths and twenty years: What we know and what we still do not know about work addiction
Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
This commentary addresses a recent article by Griffiths et al. (2018) about myths in work addiction. In response to the narrative review, I reflect on all the myths that the authors highlighted and the argument on how they tried to counter them. In comparison to an earlier overview by Robinson (1998), it is clear which myths about work addiction are persistent and represent the most important issues about this problem. Most of the myths were countered by the authors, but some of them need more evidence to be unequivocally defeated. The commentary focuses on the most important future research directions based on the myths discussed in this paper.
Háttér: Az érzelmi intelligencia vizsgálata napjaink pszichológiai kutatásainak egyik ígéretes területe. Több, az érzelmi intelligencia mérésére szolgáló eszköz magyar nyelvre történő adaptálása van jelenleg folyamatban. Ezen mérőeszközök közül az egyik a Wong és Law Érzelmi Intelligencia Skála (WLEIS-HU). Célkitűzés: Kutatásunk célja a WLEIS skála két független mintán történő hazai adaptációja, a kérdőív belső konzisztenciájának ellenőrzése, továbbá a faktorstruktúra és a skála konvergens validitásának vizsgálata volt. Módszer: A kutatásban egy 157 fős egyetemista (átlagéletkor 20,9 év [szórás 1,56], férfiak aránya 38,9%), valamint egy 430 fős fiatal labdarúgó fiúkból álló (átlagéletkor 14,0 év [szórás 0,82]) csoport vett részt. A konvergens validitást egy harmadik, 76 fős egyetemista mintán (átlagéletkor 23,5 év [szórás 3,39], férfiak aránya 40,8%) vizsgáltuk. A WLEIS faktorstruktúráját konfirmatív faktoranalízissel ellenőriztük. Eredmények: Az eredmények szerint magyar nyelven a kérdőívnek egy módosított, 14-tételes verziója alkalmazható (CMIN/df = 1,846; RMSEA (CI90) = 0,038 [0,031–0,045]; CFI = 0,935; TLI = 0,917). A kérdőív belső konzisztenciája és konvergens validitása megfelelő. Következtetések: A WLEIS-HU alkalmas mérőeszköz az érzelmi intelligencia négy alapvető komponensének (saját érzelmek értékelése, mások érzelmeinek értékelése, az érzelmek hasznosítása, az érzelmek irányítása) mérésére.
Tanulmányunkban a magyar népesség addiktológiai problémáinak feltérképezésére irányuló országos reprezentatív felmérés (OLAAP 2007) általános módszertani hátterét és főbb metodológiai eredményeit mutatjuk be. A bevezető részben röviden ismertetjük a kutatás célját, majd a kutatás szervezési lépései, a vizsgálati minta kiválasztásának stratégiája és a felmérésben használt mérőeszközök bemutatása következik. A felmérésben a dohányzás, az alkoholhasználat és az egyéb pszichoaktív szerek használata mellett a következő viselkedési addikciók prevalenciáját mértük: kóros játékszenvedély (SOGS), evési zavar (SCOFF), problémás internet használat (PIUQ), testedzés addikció (EAI, EDS), kényszeres vásárlás (QABB), munkafüggőség (WART). A további alkalmazott mérőeszközök a következők voltak: Derogatis-féle Tünetlista (SCL-90), Temperamentum és Karakter Kérdőív rövidített változat (TCI), valamint a Barratt Impulzivitás Skála (BIS-11). A vizsgálat módszertani eredményei között a részvételi hajlandósággal, illetve a vizsgálati battéria megbízhatóságával és érvényességével kapcsolatos eredményeket mutatjuk be. Mindezek alapján megállapítható, hogy a vizsgálati mintánk korcsoportos és területi eloszlásait mérlegelve reprezentatívnak tekinthető, a kutatásban felhasznált mérőeszközök megbízhatóságára és érvényességére utaló mutatók megfelelőek, az alkalmazott skálák kiváló pszichometriai jellemzőkkel rendelkeznek. Mindezek alapján a felmérés lehetőséget nyújt arra, hogy kutatásunk eredményeit a magyar lakosság egészére kiterjesszük, általánosítsuk, és az adatokat időbeli és nemzetközi kontextusban értelmezzük.
During the past three decades, research interest in work addiction has increased significantly. Most definitions concerning work addiction have specifically contained personality-related elements. However, the results of empirical studies concerning personality and work addiction are both few and mixed. The aim of the present study was to explore the role of personality in the background of work addiction.
The present study systematically reviewed and empirically carried out a meta-analysis on all the published studies examining the association between personality variables and work addiction (n = 28).
The results of the meta-analysis indicated that perfectionism, global and performance-based self-esteem, and negative affect had the strongest and most robust associations as personality risk factors of work addiction. Among the Big Five traits, extraversion, conscientiousness, and intellect/imaginations showed positive relationships with work addiction. However, these associations were weak.
Based on the meta-analysis, personality appears to explain only a small amount of the variance of work addiction and further studies are needed to assess the interaction between individual and environmental factors.
Our study reviews published assessments of smoking prevalence rates on Hungarian adult representative samples.
To report the results of a national representative survey on the prevalence of smoking carried out in 2007 and to compare the results of the present survey with those of former studies.
The target population was the entire Hungarian population aged between 18 and 64. Net size of the sample was 2,710 persons. Data collection partly used face-to-face interviews and more sensitive issues were assessed by self-rating questionnaires.
The 36.1% of the Hungarian adult population smoke cigarettes (29.9% on a daily basis), 40.6% of males and 31.7% of females smoke regularly (rates of daily smokers are 34.6% and 25.3%, respectively). Male gender, lower age, lower education, lower socio-economic status, and parental smoking were identified as risk factors for smoking.
Present results show higher prevalence rates among the heterogeneous results of previous years, while suggesting a slight increase of smoking at the same time. This tendency is unequivocally owing to the increase in smoking among women; in men, stagnating prevalence rates can be observed.
Tanulmányunkban áttekintjük a magyar felnőtt lakosság körében készült, a dohányzás prevalenciáját becslő országos reprezentatív felméréseket. Célkitűzés: Az Országos lakossági adatfelvétel az addiktológiai problémákról (OLAAP) felmérés dohányzásra vonatkozó eredményeinek bemutatása, valamint ezek összevetése a korábbi vizsgálatok eredményeivel. Módszer: A kutatás célpopulációja a 18–64 éves magyarországi népesség. A nettó minta nagysága 2710 fő volt. Az adatfelvétel részben személyes kérdezéssel, részben önkitöltős módszerrel történt. Eredmények: A magyar felnőtt lakosság 36,1%-a dohányzik (29,9%-a napi rendszerességgel). A nemi arányokat tekintve a férfiak 40,6%-a, míg a nők 31,7%-a dohányos (a napi dohányosok aránya nemek szerint 34,6%, illetve 25,3%). A dohányzás szempontjából kockázati tényezőként azonosítható a férfi nem, az alacsonyabb életkor, az alacsonyabb iskolai végzettség, a kedvezőtlenebb szocioökonómiai státus, valamint a szülők dohányzása. Következtetések: Eredményeink a korábbi évek heterogén eredményei közül a magasabb dohányzási prevalenciákat támasztják alá, illetve enyhe mértékű növekedést feltételeznek, amiért a dohányzás nők körében történt emelkedése felelős. A férfiak esetében stagnálás figyelhető meg.
Background and objectives
Work addiction (WA), characterized by dimensions such as overcommitment, difficulties in detachment from work, and work-life imbalance, is presumed to be associated with increased smartphone usage, even during risky activities like driving. The study investigated the connection between WA and future problematic and hazardous smartphone use, considering personality factors: anxiety, rumination, and worry.
A three-wave longitudinal study (N = 1,866) was conducted from March to July 2019, June to September 2020, and June to November 2021, involving a representative sample of 18-34-year-old residents in Hungary's capital. The study employed Hungarian versions of the Bergen Work Addiction Scale, Problematic Mobile Phone Use Questionnaire, Ruminative Response Scale, Anxiety subscale of the Brief Symptom Inventory 18, and Penn-State Worry Questionnaire. Additionally, author-developed questions on mobile phone use while driving were included.
At baseline, those at risk for WA showed more frequent mobile phone use while driving at both time points 2 and 3 compared to the non-risk group. Path analyses revealed rumination, anxiety at time 1, and worry at time 2 as significant mediators between baseline WA and mobile phone use while driving at time 3. However, when analyzing all three mediators together, only anxiety at time 1 and worry at time 2 remained significant.
Discussion and conclusion
This study demonstrates that WA predicts future mobile phone use while driving through mediation by anxiety and worry. Our findings add to the growing evidence highlighting the detrimental aspects of WA, emphasizing the need for improved prevention and treatment strategies.
Background and aims
Conflicting findings have been reported for the longitudinal course of behavioral addictions, especially for social media addiction (SMA) and work addiction (WA). Therefore, evaluating whether these constructs are more trait-like or state-like might be informative. The aim of the present study was to examine the proportion of variance of SMA and WA symptoms (as defined by the components model of addiction) explained by trait and occasion-specific factors in addition to exploring cross-lagged relationships between SMA and WA.
Young adults from a representative sample who continuously used social media and worked at least 40 hours a week during the first three waves of the Budapest Longitudinal Study were included (N = 1,551; Females: 50.6%; Age: M = 27.7 years [SD = 4.40]). The Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale and the Bergen Work Addiction Scale were administered in all three waves.
A latent state-trait model with a general trait factor was considered for both SMA and WA. Symptomatic variability in SMA was explained approximately equally by trait and state-like factors, while WA-related symptom variability was mostly attributed to state-like factors. SMA negatively predicted WA over time, while WA showed a positive cross-lagged effect on SMA.
Discussion and Conclusions
While the symptoms of WA were more state-like, the trait-like effects were stronger in SMA. Situational influences and previous symptom severities might have to be considered in the screening process.
Background and aims
Due to its important role in both healthy groups and those with physical, mental and behavioral disorders, impulsivity is a widely researched construct. Among various self-report questionnaires of impulsivity, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale is arguably the most frequently used measure. Despite its international use, inconsistencies in the suggested factor structure of its latest version, the BIS-11, have been observed repeatedly in different samples. The goal of the present study was therefore to test the factor structure of the BIS-11 in several samples.
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on two representative samples of Hungarian adults (N = 2,457; N = 2,040) and a college sample (N = 765).
Analyses did not confirm the original model of the measure in any of the samples. Based on explorative factor analyses, an alternative three-factor model (cognitive impulsivity; behavioral impulsivity; and impatience/restlessness) of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale is suggested. The pattern of the associations between the three factors and aggression, exercise, smoking, alcohol use, and psychological distress supports the construct validity of this new model.
The new measurement model of impulsivity was confirmed in two independent samples. However, it requires further cross-cultural validation to clarify the content of self-reported impulsivity in both clinical and nonclinical samples.
Background and aims
Changes in the nomenclature of addictions suggest a significant shift in the conceptualization of addictions, where non-substance related behaviors can also be classified as addictions. A large amount of data provides empirical evidence that there are overlaps of different types of addictive behaviors in etiology, phenomenology, and in the underlying psychological and biological mechanisms. Our aim was to investigate the co-occurrences of a wide range of substance use and behavioral addictions.
The present epidemiological analysis was carried out as part of the Psychological and Genetic Factors of the Addictive Behaviors (PGA) Study, where data were collected from 3,003 adolescents and young adults (42.6% males; mean age 21 years). Addictions to psychoactive substances and behaviors were rigorously assessed.
Data is provided on lifetime occurrences of the assessed substance uses, their co-occurrences, the prevalence estimates of specific behavioral addictions, and co-occurrences of different substance use and potentially addictive behaviors. Associations were found between (i) smoking and problematic Internet use, exercising, eating disorders, and gambling (ii) alcohol consumption and problematic Internet use, problematic online gaming, gambling, and eating disorders, and (iii) cannabis use and problematic online gaming and gambling.
The results suggest a large overlap between the occurrence of these addictions and behaviors and underlies the importance of investigating the possible common psychological, genetic and neural pathways. These data further support concepts such as the Reward Deficiency Syndrome and the component model of addictions that propose a common phenomenological and etiological background of different addictive and related behaviors.