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A mesterséges intelligencia belügyi és biztonsági célú alkalmazása

The application of AI related solutions for security purposes and concerning internal affairs

Scientia et Securitas
Dániel Necz

Összefoglalás. A tanulmány célja a mesterséges intelligencia (MI) belügyi és biztonsági célú alkalmazásának bemutatása, különös figyelemmel az arcfelismerő rendszerek és egyéb MI alapú megoldások rendvédelmi, nemzetbiztonsági, valamint önkormányzati és vízgazdálkodási területen való alkalmazásának lehetőségeire, adatvédelmi és kibervédelmi szempontjaira. A tanulmány ennek kapcsán mind az irányadó magyar és európai uniós előírásokat és célkitűzéseket, mind az MI-re irányadó hatósági gyakorlatot számba veszi és ismerteti, valamint ezek tanulságait összefoglalja és kiértékeli az egyes MI alapú megoldások sajátosságainak figyelembevételével.

Summary. The purpose of the study is to take a closer look on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) concerning internal affairs and for security purposes, with a key focus on facial recognition systems and other solutions used by law enforcement and national security agencies to answer new challenges posed by cybercrime and criminal networks spreading through the cyberspace. In the light of the above, the study further takes into account the risks associated with the usage of AI solutions concerning internal affairs and for security purposes and tries to find possible measures to minimize them.

Bearing this in mind, the study highlights the key relevant Hungarian and European Union requirements and goals, including the approach of the European Union concerning biometric identification and the Hungarian AI Strategy’s vision on the usage of AI based solutions for administrative, law enforcement, defense and military national security purposes.

The study further analyzes the practical aspects of the usage of AI solutions by law enforcement agencies and the key aspects of facial recognition systems and other similar solutions. This includes the territory affected by the system, the period of monitoring, the human revision of the results presented by the algorithms, as well as data security minimum requirements and the rights of data subjects affected by AI solutions (e.g. sufficient information provided on the processing of their data in accordance with the national and public interests related to the usage of AI solutions).

In addition to the above, the study further discusses the use of AI solutions by national security agencies, including the aspects of monitoring dark web activities conducted by criminal and terrorist organizations and ways for national agencies to intercept messages and gather evidence by new solutions in line with data protection and constitutional requirements.

Finally, the study helps us understand, how AI based solutions can be used for facilitating everyday work of local governments (with a key focus on chatbot services and self-service opportunities) and for solving water management related tasks more efficiently, thus creating a more modern administration, where citizens can easily interact with administrative bodies and technical or simpler tasks are undertaken by algorithms.

All in all, the study outlines how AI is currently used concerning internal affairs and for security purposes and how it can be used to help law enforcement and national security agencies fight new forms of crime empowered by technology or to further modernize local governments and water management systems and apply AI based solutions in accordance with data protection requirements and procedural laws.

Open access


The emergence and fast proliferation of chatbot solutions have reshaped how we interact with customer services, professionals and organizations providing advisory services. Law firms and legal professionals have also been affected by chatbots, which have become an integral part of the legal market. They are used for training, discovery, legal research and various other tasks by multinational law firms and sole practitioners alike.

Besides their benefits, however, chatbot solutions also face a number of limitations and their use could raise both legal and ethical concerns. Unsupervised use of such solutions can lead to serious professional responsibility issues, while their use in certain cases, such as in cases involving acting as a defense counsel or advising on sensitive matters, can also raise ethical concerns, or endanger the trust in lawyers built by generations of legal professionals. The processing of certain data or confidential information can further raise privacy or confidentiality issues, especially with respect to the need for artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions to constantly rely on huge datasets.

Bearing the above in mind, the regulation of chatbots in the legal market is certainly a complex topic with many challenges. In this paper, I provide an overview of the use of chatbots in the legal market, summarize the main concerns regarding their use (especially including professional liability, privacy and ethical concerns) and also highlight the main challenges concerning AI and chatbot regulation and the potential approaches regulators could follow to prevent or minimize risks associated with the unlawful or unethical use of technology and disperse unnecessary fears by also supporting technological development and by preserving the positive effects of the use of chatbots in the legal market.

Open access