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Let Φ(t)= ∫_0^t a(s) ds and Ψ(t)= ∫_0^t b(s) ds, where a(s) is a positive continuous function such that ∫_0^1 \frac{a(s)}{s} ds < ∞and ∫_1^{\∞}\frac{a(s)}{s} ds= +\∞, and b(s) is an increasing function such that \lim_{s\to\∞}b(s)= +\∞. Letw be a weight function and suppose that w∈A1\∩ A∞'. Then the following statements for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function Mf(x) are equivalent:(I) there exist positive constants C
1 and C
2 such that