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An analysis of 766 publications by prolific authors in scientific journals indicate that prolific authors produce about 25% of the total scientific output in periodical literature in laser science and technology. The average productivity per author is about 2. Prolific authors from most of the countries belonged either to academic or research institutions except in USA and Japan. Prolific authors on average made more impact than non-prolific authors. However the situation varied from country to country.

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An analysis of 952 publications published by Indian scientists and abstracted by Journal of Current Laser Abstracts during 1970-1994 indicates that laser research in India picked up during 1978-1994 and reached its peak in 1980. The Indian output in the field of laser research forms an integral part of the mainstream science as reflected by the pattern of publications and their citations in the international literature. Laser research performed in India improved considerably during 1985-1994 as compared to 1970-1984 as seen by different impact indicators such as citation per paper, proportion of high quality papers, and publication effective index. The publication output is concentrated among few institutions and there is a similarity in the activity and attractively profile of the highly productive institutions. India"s citation rate per paper for highly productive authors is at par with the world citation rate per paper. The study indicates that the proportion of mega authored papers increased during 1990-1994 and the international collaboration is mainly with the USA.

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An analysis of the patents filed and scientific papers published and abstracted in theJournal of Current Laser Abstracts (JCLA) for the period 1967–95 indicates that innovative activity in laser science and technology was at its peak in the early 70s. However, scientific activity surpassed the innovative activity in the early 80s. There was a continuous shift in emphasis from “applications of lasers” to “experimental laser research” and to “theoretical laser research”. Further analysis of the 1840 patents field in 1970–71, 1975–76, and 1980–85 indicates that most of the firms filing patents were situated in USA and thus USA is the leading country filing patents in this area followed by Japan. “Spectroscopy of laser output” followed by “Communication applications of laser” got the maximum emphasis.

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An analysis of 4650 publications abstracted inJournal of Current Laser Abstracts Vol. 27 (April 1990-March 1991) indicates that 14 countries contributed about 94% of the research output with USA toping the list followed by Japan and the erstwhile USSR. Technical reports and patents, besides articles in scientific journals constitute an important source of information on laser science and technology. “Spectroscopy of laser output” is the sub-speciality which has received maximum emphasis. USA has paid almost equal emphasis for theoretical, experimental and applications of laser research, while such pattern is not applicable for other countries. For USSR, China, and India, the impact of research did not commensurate with the publication effort.

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An analysis of 4650 publications abstracted inJournal of Current Laser Abstracts (JCLA) during April 1990–March 1991 indicates that 50 institutions located in 14 countries contributed about 39% of the S&T output. Twenty two of these institutions were from the USA, four each from Japan and the former USSR. Academic and research institutions were mainly concentrating their research efforts either in theoretical or experimental laser research. However, the industrial houses pursued their research in applications of the lasers. Most of these institutions published their output in scientific journals, but a few institutions had large amounts of technical reports and patents to their credit. Most of the institutions resembled in their activity and attractivity profiles. The values of normalized impact per paper, publication effectivity index and proportion of high quality papers for 12 institutions were less than average.

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An analysis of 3174 papers published in journals in the field of laserscience and technology indicate that only 401 papers were single authoredand the rest 2773 were co-authored papers. Of the 2773 papers, only 687 werewritten in local (inter-departmental), domestic (inter-institutional) andinternational collaboration. As reflected by the values of collaborative coefficientand co-authorship index, it is observed that the proportion of mega-authoredpapers for Japan, France, Italy, and the Netherlands was more, while for Canada,China, and Australia the proportion of single authored papers was more. Mostof the collaborative papers had bilateral domestic and international collaboration.Domestic collaborations were higher for USA, Japan, France and Australia,while international collaboration was higher for China, Israel, the Netherlands,and Switzerland.

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