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Seeing the forest through different trees: A social psychological perspective of work addiction

Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
István Tóth-Király
Beáta Bőthe
, and
Gábor Orosz

We live in exciting times for the scientific study of work addiction, given its increased relevance and the diverse perspectives one might take to approach this phenomenon. Simultaneously, this field does not appear to be unified as a result of several misleading myths, which are addressed by the debate paper of Griffiths et al. (2018). In response, we would like to complement this study by proposing that the construct of interest should be more precisely identified in the context of related constructs and that an integrative framework should be applied, which is able to take into account not just the micro-level characteristics (i.e., individual differences), but meso- (i.e., environmental factors) and macro-level (i.e., societal factors) ones as well.

Open access

Humán kadávermodell a légmell ágy melletti ultrahang-diagnosztikájához.


Proposal of a human cadaveric model for bedside ultrasound-based pneumothorax detection.

A preliminary study
Orvosi Hetilap
Noémi Ádám
Gábor Orosz
Máté Berczi
, and
Tamás Ruttkay

Bevezetés: Az ágy melletti ultrahangvizsgálat alkalmazása az elmúlt évtizedben a sürgősségi, valamint az intenzív és aneszteziológiai ellátás egyik meghatározó elemévé vált. A mindennapi alkalmazások közül szakmaspecifikusan kiemelkedik a tüdő ultrahangvizsgálata, mely a koronavírus-járvány kapcsán óriási lendületet kapott. A leggyakrabban alkalmazott protokollok első lépése az életet közvetlenül is veszélyeztető állapotok azonnali diagnosztikája (például pneumothorax), hogy minél hamarabb kerülhessen sor a megfelelő intervencióra. A fentieknek megfelelően a sürgősségi szakmák hazai curriculumába is bekerült a tüdő ultrahangvizsgálatának oktatása. Célkitűzés: Jelen kadávermodell-alapú előtanulmányunkkal az ágy melletti tüdő-ultrahangvizsgálat hazai gyakorlatát szeretnénk javítani és ezáltal a betegbiztonságot fokozni a mindennapi klinikai munka során. Módszer: Kísérleti összeállításunkban a kiválasztásra került 5 friss, még nem konzervált humán kadávert alkalmaztuk, melyeken a később részletezett módon létrehoztuk a mesterséges légmellet. Sürgősségi tüdő-ultrahangprotokoll alapján ágy melletti ultrahangkészülékkel 10 másodperces mozgó képsort vettünk fel, melyet a későbbiekben két független, intenzív terápiában járatos szakember pontozott megadott pontrendszer alapján. Eredmények: A szakértők pontozása alapján a modellünk segítségével nyert képanyag a képminőség, a tüdőprofilok meghatározhatósága, valamint a szemikvantitatív pontozhatóság tekintetében is összességében mérsékelt-jó, illetve jó-kiváló egyezéssel alkalmasnak tűnik további oktatási célú felhasználásra. Megbeszélés: A továbbiakban tervezzük a konzervált kadávereken való vizsgálatot is, mely költséghatékonyság és eltárolhatóság szempontjából is kedvező lehet. Következtetés: Eredményeink szerint az általunk előkészített kadávermodell alkalmas lehet a klinikai oktatásra, kellően élethű, valamint képanyagadatbank létrehozására is, mely a jövőben digitális oktatásra is felhasználható. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(46): 1824–1830.

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Langmár
Gábor Vleskó
Miklós Németh
Loránd Pecsenka
, and
Zsolt Orosz
Open access

Background and aims

Tinder is a very popular smartphone-based geolocated dating application. The goal of the present study was creating a short Problematic Tinder Use Scale (PTUS).


Griffiths’ (2005) six-component model was implemented for covering all components of problematic Tinder use. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out on a Tinder user sample (N = 430).


Both the 12- and the 6-item versions were tested. The 6-item unidimensional structure has appropriate reliability and factor structure. No salient demography-related differences were found. Users irrespectively to their relationship status have similar scores on PTUS.


Tinder users deserve the attention of scientific examination considering their large proportion among smartphone users. It is especially true considering the emerging trend of geolocated online dating applications.


Before PTUS, no prior scale has been created to measure problematic Tinder use. The PTUS is a suitable and reliable measure to assess problematic Tinder use.

Open access

Background and aims

The goal of the present study was to create a short ProblematicSeries Watching Scale (PSWS).


On the basis of the six components model of Griffiths (2005), six items were identifiedcovering all components of problematic series watching. Confirmatoryfactor analyses were carried out on two independent samples (N1  = 366, N2  = 752).


The PSWS has appropriate factor structure and reliability. Theamount of free time was not, but the series watching time was associatedwith PSWS scores. Women had higher scores than men.


Before PSWS, no prior scale has been created to measure problematicseries watching. Further research is needed to properly assess itsvalidity and reliability; and for examining whether extensive serieswatching can lead to health-related and psychosocial problems.


In the increasingly digitalized world there are many motivationalforces which encourage people watching online series. In the lightof these changes, research on problematic series watching will beprogressively relevant.

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Marcell Szabó
Gábor Orosz
Zsolt Dániel Iványi
, and
Katalin Darvas

Az ultrahang alkalmazása az aneszteziológiai és intenzív terápiás eszköztár mára elengedhetetlen feltétele mind az invazív beavatkozások pontos kivitelezése, mind az ágy melletti diagnosztika során. A mellkas és a tüdő vizsgálatai a képalkotás nehézségei ellenére gyorsan fejlődő területet jelentenek, a COVID–19-világjárvány kihívásai és a közelmúlt eseményei pedig nagyobb lendületet adtak a terület kutatásának. Az intenzív terápia egyre nagyobb tapasztalattal alkalmazza e módszereket differenciáldiagnosztikára, az állapotsúlyosság felmérésére és a terápia optimalizálására. A műtői anesztézia és a perioperatív ellátás kis módosításokkal, de szintén képes hasznosítani ezeket az eredményeket. A jelen összefoglalóban a szerzők sorra veszik a tüdő ultrahangvizsgálatának diagnosztikus jelentőségű műtermékeit, valamint a kvantitatív vizsgálatok alapjait, illetve azokat az eljárásokat, amelyek általános anesztézia során kellő irodalmi megalapozottsággal bírhatnak a betegbiztonság fokozásában a légútbiztosítás, az intraoperatív lélegeztetés finomhangolása, műtét alatti légzészavarok, posztoperatív prognosztika terén. Irodalmi összefoglalónk célja egyúttal az is, hogy rávilágítsunk azokra a területekre, amelyeken a közeljövőben technológiai vagy tudományos jelentőségű újítások várhatók. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(22): 864–870.

Open access


Background and Aims

Despite problematic pornography use (PPU) being prevalent, no previous study has examined the effectiveness of evidence-based interventions for PPU, using rigorous methods. Using a two-armed randomized controlled trial study design, we examined the feasibility and initial effectiveness of a six-week online PPU intervention.


We recruited 264 participants (3.8% women, M age = 33.2, SD = 10.6) who were randomized and assigned to either the self-help intervention (n = 123) or waitlist control condition (n = 141), and completed self-report questionnaires at baseline and after the end of the intervention (six-week follow-up). Multivariable linear regression models were generated and tested on a complete case basis to investigate possible treatment effects. Participants provided quantitative and qualitative feedback regarding the intervention’s content and appearance.


Participants evaluated all modules positively in the intervention in general. There were differential dropout rates (89.4% in intervention vs. 44.7% in control group) with an overall follow-up rate of 34.5%. The intervention group reported significantly lower levels of PPU (P < 0.001, d = 1.32) at the six-week follow-up. Moreover, they reported lower pornography use frequency (P < 0.001, d = 1.65), self-perceived pornography addiction (P = 0.01, d = 0.85), pornography craving (P = 0.02, d = 0.40), and higher pornography avoidance self-efficacy (P = 0.001, d = 0.87) at the six-week follow-up.

Discussion and Conclusions

The present study was only a first step in rigorous treatment studies for PPU, but the findings are promising and suggest that online interventions for PPU might help reduce PPU in some cases, even without the guidance of therapists, by reducing treatment barriers.

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
István Tóth-Király
Beáta Bőthe
Eszter Tóth-Fáber
Győző Hága
, and
Gábor Orosz

Background and aims

Television series watching stepped into a new golden age with the appearance of online series. Being highly involved in series could potentially lead to negative outcomes, but the distinction between highly engaged and problematic viewers should be distinguished. As no appropriate measure is available for identifying such differences, a short and valid measure was constructed in a multistudy investigation: the Series Watching Engagement Scale (SWES).


In Study 1 (N Sample1 = 740 and N Sample2 = 740), exploratory structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis were used to identify the most important facets of series watching engagement. In Study 2 (N = 944), measurement invariance of the SWES was investigated between males and females. In Study 3 (N = 1,520), latent profile analysis (LPA) was conducted to identify subgroups of viewers.


Five factors of engagement were identified in Study 1 that are of major relevance: persistence, identification, social interaction, overuse, and self-development. Study 2 supported the high levels of equivalence between males and females. In Study 3, three groups of viewers (low-, medium-, and high-engagement viewers) were identified. The highly engaged at-risk group can be differentiated from the other two along key variables of watching time and personality.


The present findings support the overall validity, reliability, and usefulness of the SWES and the results of the LPA showed that it might be useful to identify at-risk viewers before the development of problematic use.

Open access

Although the prevalence of wild-type measles virus infection has decreased by >90% in Europe, the disease is still not eliminated and has even reemerged with recurrent outbreaks in different countries, including Romania and Italy. Minor outbreaks of Romanian origin were reported from Hungary as well. In Romania, an outbreak has been ongoing since February 2016. As of October 2017, 9,670 measles cases and 35 deaths were registered in the country. The three most affected counties are located next to the Hungarian border. In Italy, until the end of August 2017, 4,477 cases were reported to the surveillance system. The outbreak affected most of the Italian administrative regions. Until October 2017, three minor measles outbreaks were also detected in Hungary. All of these outbreaks were derived from Romanian cases. Although in these countries, there are vaccination programs running, the spread of the disease raises the possibility of secondary vaccine failure.

Restricted access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Gábor Orosz
Mária Benyó
Bernadett Berkes
Edina Nikoletti
Éva Gál
István Tóth-Király
, and
Beáta Bőthe

Background and aims

Tinder is a geo-located online dating application, which is present in almost 200 countries and has 10 million daily users. The aim of the present research was to investigate the motivational, personality, and basic psychological need-related background of problematic Tinder use.


After qualitative pretest and item construction, in Study 1 (N = 414), confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to corroborate the different motivational factors behind Tinder use. In Study 2 (N = 346), the associations between Big Five traits, Tinder motivations, and problematic Tinder use were examined with structural equation modeling (SEM). In Study 3 (N = 298), the potential role of general self-esteem, relatedness need satisfaction, and frustration in relation to Tinder-use motivations and problematic Tinder use was examined with SEM.


In Study 1, a 16-item first-order factor structure was identified with four motivational factors, such as sex, love, self-esteem enhancement, and boredom. In Study 2, problematic Tinder use was mainly related to using Tinder for self-esteem enhancement. The Big Five personality factors were only weakly related to the four motivations and to problematic Tinder use. Counterintuitively, Study 3 showed that instead of global self-esteem, relatedness need frustration was the strongest predictor of self-esteem enhancement Tinder-use motivation which, in turn, was the strongest predictor of problematic Tinder use.


Four motivational factors were identified as predictors of problematic use with need frustration being a relevant background variable instead of general personality traits.

Open access