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Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica
Seyda Cengiz
Sitkican Okur
Cihan Oz
Ferda Turgut
Burak Gumurcinler
Nur Selcen Sevuk
Ayse Ilgin Kekec
Haluk Cepoglu
Umit Sevimli
, and
Mehmet Cemal Adiguzel

30 min. The 150 µL of 33% glacial acetic acid per well was used to dissolve the stain-attaching biofilm for 30 min. The biofilm development was assessed using a 96-well ELISA reader to measure the absorbance at 595 nm (Multiscan FC, Thermo Fisher

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ELISA reader was used to spectrophotometrically measure the optical density (OD) of the previously stained attached biofilm at 490 nm wavelength. The results were then interpreted as previously explained elsewhere [ 9 ]. Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC

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incubation at 37 °C for 24 h, the turbidity (quantified) of the suspensions were read at 450 nm using an ELISA reader. The lowest concentration of antibiotic that inhibited the growth of the tested bacterial strain, i.e. the MIC was determined by comparing

Open access
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Orsolya Kutasi
Orsolya Fehér
Sára Sárdi
Nándor Balogh
Anna Nagy
Leticia Moravszki
Emese Bódai
, and
Ottó Szenci

basis of seasonality (August–November), acute neurologic clinical signs (less than 5 days), positive serum IgM ELISA test (IDEXX IgM WNV Ab Test, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands), and the absence of any WNV vaccination in the history. Only clinically healthy

Open access

destaining solution (ethanol/demineralised water/glacial acetic acid, 7.5/7.4/0.15 v/v/v) was applied for 10 min. The viability of the IPEC-J2 cells was measured at 540 nm using an ELISA Plate Reader (EZ Read Biochrom 400, Cambridge, UK). Experimental layout

Open access
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Monika Drážovská
Boris Vojtek
Jana Mojžišová
Simona Koleničová
Filip Koľvek
Marián Prokeš
Ľuboš Korytár
Alexander Csanady
Anna Ondrejková
Tatiana Vataščinová
, and
Mangesh Ramesh Bhide

anaplasmosis and Lyme borreliosis in Canada as determined by a point-of care enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) . Can. Vet. J. 56 , 575 – 580 . Sellon , D. C. and Long , M. T. ( 2014 ): Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection . In: Sellon , D

Open access
Interventional Medicine and Applied Science
Ozkan Yavcin
Lutfu Askin
Ozlem Seçen
Serdar Turkmen
Erdal Akturk
Okan Tanriverdi
, and
Mustafa Necati Dagli

time of measurements. After collection of all samples, serum copeptin levels were measured using “Human Copeptin ELISA Kits” (Phoneix Pharmaceuticals, USA; catalog no.: EK-065-32; lot no.: 603.858)” in microplate readers (Bio-Tek Instruments ELx800, USA

Open access

% ethanol per well to remove the adherent stain. TSB containing 1% glucose was used as a placebo. The ELISA reader was used to spectrophotometrically measure the stained adherent biofilm's optical density (OD) at a wavelength of 490 nm. According to the

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 nm was measured using an ELISA plate reader (Plate reader, model–A4, serial no.-1910, Das, Italy). The cut-off value (ODc) was calculated for each microtiter plate and results were interpreted according to the formula presented in previous studies. A

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: Az eddigiekben összesen 48 MM beteg és 10 kontroll személy vérmintáját vizsgáltuk. Az MM-ben rutinszerűen vizsgált laboratóriumi paraméterek mellett ELISA-val PACAP-38 szintet, míg Luminex módszerrel számos gyulladásos mikrokönyezeti faktor (IFN-γ, IL

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