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counts of publications, patents, citations and other potentially informative items to develop S&T performance indicators. Its validity is based on the premises that: (1) counts of patents and papers are a valid indicator of R&D activity in the subject
: 307 – 319 10.1007/s11192-009-0040-z . Tijssen , RJW 2001 Global and domestic utilization of industrial relevant science: Patent citation analysis of science
-007-1741-1 . Hall , B. H. , Jaffe , A. B. & Trajtenberg , M. ( 2001 ). “The NBER patent citations data file: Lessions, insights and methodological tools,” National Bureau of Economic Research, working paper 9498
-based approaches in which the topics of diffusion can be tracked were discussed by Chen and Hicks ( 2004 ). Particularly, they introduced an approach that combined complex network theory, network visualization, and patent citation analysis to describe knowledge
document using word co-occurrence statistical information . International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 13 1 157 – 170 10.1142/S0218213004001466 . Meyer , M.S. ( 2001 ). Patent citation
. Hall , B , Jaffe , A , Trajtenberg , M 2005 Market value and patent citations . RAND Journal of Economics 36 : 16 – 38 . Hargadon , A , Sutton , R 1997 Technology brokering and innovation in a
analysis and patent citation) are not without their flaws and challenges, but they provide an objective measure of research output and a fairly rigorous accounting of the research landscape. The U.S. government must direct its science resources in targeted
. Hu , AGZ , Jaffe , AB 2003 Patent citation and international knowledge flow: The case of Korea and Taiwan . International Journal of Industrial Organization 21 6 849 – 880 . Kim , M
. Science 317 : 482 – 487 10.1126/science.1144581 . Jaffe , A. B. , Trajtenberg , M. , Henderson , R. 1993 Geographic localization of knowledge spillovers as evidenced by patent citations . Quarterly
Patent citation analysis: A policy analysis tool . World Patent Information 19 4 269 – 272 10.1016/S0172-2190(97)00033-1 . Kruskal , J 1964 Nonmetric multidimensional scaling: A