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–1431 [Charters of the fifteenth century popes. I. Pope Martin V (1417–1431)] , Budapest : Magyar Tudományos Akadémia , 1931 . ADRIAN MAGINA : Conscripția și inventarul bunurilor cetății Ineu în anul 1605 [Conscription and inventory of the goods of Ineu

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Branzi, Andrea: For a Post-Environmentalism: Seven Suggestions for a New Athens Charter and The Weak Metropolis. In: Mostafavi, Mohsen (ed.): Ecological Urbanism . Lars Müller Publisher, Zürich 2010. 110

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Sixth International Workshop on Computational Latin Dialectology

July 6–7, 2023, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Béla Adamik

the Charters of St. Gall”), Nóra Paulus (“Metrical faults as evidence of linguistic change – data labelled ‘metro indicante’ in the Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age”), Zsolt Simon (“The etymology

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Latin Charter Treebank (LLCT), a syntactically annotated corpus of original 8 th and 9 th century charters from central Italy. 3 1.1 Epigraphic databases In recent decades, closed corpus languages such as Latin have been conceived and analysed as

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Central European Geology
Ádám Bede
Roderick B. Salisbury
András István Csathó
Péter Czukor
Dávid Gergely Páll
Gábor Szilágyi
, and
Pál Sümegi

– 252 . Benedek , Gy. , M. Zádor-Zsoldos 1998 : Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megyei oklevelek. 1075–1526 (Charters from Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County. 1075–1526) . – Jász

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. Gefallen für Volk und Heimat: Kriegerdenkmäler deutscher Minderheiten in Ostmitteleuropa während der Zwischenkriegszeit 2009 Charter, D

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: Charter, M. — Polonsky, M. J. (eds): Greener Marketing . Sheffield: Greenleaf. Wehrmeyer W. Greener Marketing 1999

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. 4. Andrew II's second grand seal from a charter of 1216 , see: Budapest, National Archives [Országos Levéltár], Dl 74, 76, 80; Gerevich , T. , Magyarország románkori emlékei , Budapest 1938, fig. CCXXXIII/5

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Has constitutional pluralism ever been tried out? •

On the comparative use of Article 4(2) TEU by some constitutional courts

Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies
François-Xavier Millet

leave out other aspects that are arguably crucial for the understanding of constitutional courts through the lenses of constitutional pluralism in a European legal context, in particular those courts' increasing reliance on the EU Charter in adjudicating

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rights. Accordingly, the CJEU first emphasized that the name of a person is an integral part of his or her identity and privacy, which is protected by Article 7 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Article 8 of the European

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