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Daganatos nőbetegek termékenységének megőrzése.

II. Lehetőségek az alkalmazott kezelések mellett az egyes daganattípusokban

Fertility preservation in female cancer patients.

II. Possibilities beside current treatments in different types of cancer
Orvosi Hetilap
Dóra Vesztergom
Borbála Székely
Barbara Hegyi
András Masszi
Tamás Pintér
Bence Csákó
István Kenessey
Gábor Rubovszky
, and
Zoltán Novák

non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia: a systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized trials. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015; 213: 469–478. 59 Gallos

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Ivett Hegedűs
Csaba Csizmadia
Zoltán Lomb
László Cseke
Yadamsuren Enkh-Amar
László Pajor
, and
Barna Bogner

Driman, D. K., Wright, C., Tougas, G., et al.: Omeprazole produces parietal cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia in humans. Dig. Dis. Sci., 1996, 41 , 2039–2047. Tougas G. Omeprazole

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Orvosi Hetilap
Gyöngyvér Lacza
Zsolt Radák

Sea, J., Poon, K. S., McVary, K. T.: Review of exercise and the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Phys. Sportsmed., 2009, 37 , 75–83. McVary K. T. Review of exercise and the

Open access

Hassel, T. M., Page, R. C., Narayanan, A. S. és mtsai: Diphenylhydantoin (dilantin) gingival hyperplasia: drug induced abnormality of connective tissue. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1976, 73 , 2909

Restricted access
Orvosi Hetilap
Melinda Erdős
László Maródi

19 443 448 O’Regan, S., Newman, J. W., Graham, R. C.: ‘Myelokathexis’. Neutropenia with marrow hyperplasia. Am. J. Dis. Child, 1977

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hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ: a correlative study of 33 patients with review of the literature. Am. J. Surg. Pathol., 2005, 29 , 534–543. Silverman J. F. Follow-up surgical

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Zsuzsa Schaff
Ilona Kovalszky
Gábor Lotz
, and
András Kiss

Libbrecht, L., Severi, T., Cassiman, D. és mtsai: Glypican-3 expression distinguishes small hepatocellular carcinomas from cirrhosis, dysplastic nodules, and focal nodular hyperplasia-like nodules. Am. J. Surg. Pathol., 2006, 30 , 1405

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Sándor Valent
Orsolya Oláh
Levente Sára
Attila Pajor
, and
Zoltán Langmár

3-dimensional power Doppler analysis in predicting endometrial carcinoma and hyperplasia. Gynecol. Oncol., 2007, 106 , 348–353. Grinin V. Three-dimensional endometrial volume and

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Péter Nyirády
Éva Sárdi
Gabriella Bekő
Miklós Szűcs
András Horváth
Edit Székely
Klára Szentmihályi
Imre Romics
, and
Anna Blázovics

rats with sulpyride [corrected]-induced prostatic hyperplasia corrected with prostatilen. Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., 2005, 139 , 334–336. Nikitchenko Y. V. Prooxidant

Open access

. Bloch , B. , Mellergaard , S. and Nielsen , E. ( 1986 ): Adenovirus-like particles associated with epithelial hyperplasias in dab, Limanda limanda (L.) . J. Fish Dis. 9 , 281 – 285

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