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(riental) M(anuscripts), RAS and The Toyo Bunko (eds.) 2021. Catalogue of the Old Uyghur manuscripts and blockprints in the Serindia Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS . Vol . 1 . Tokyo : The Toyo Bunko . Kasai Yukiyo (in
diverse ones, since they hold more than a half of the species in this group. It is believed that many new species will be described if floristic work continues, especially in tropical environments. This manuscript is part of a research program
(ed.) Śāntamatiḥ: Manuscripts for Life. Essays in Memory of Seishi Karashima . Tokyo : The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University . Skjærvø , Prods O . 1986 . ‘Khotanese fragments of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra
by Italian humanists during the 15th century, all of which are only preserved in manuscript. 2 The codices containing these Latin translations were recently described in a useful article by Giovanni Indelli
Megjegyzések a középkori zágrábi székeskáptalan néhány liturgikus kódexéhez
Notes on some liturgical codices of the medieval cathedral chapter of Zagreb
. Toronto, Bergendal Collection of Manuscripts and Incunables, Bergendal 40 (Augsburg-salzburgi műhely?) 1481 előtt (?). Melk, Stiftsbibliothek, P 132, (Bamberg, Johann Seisenschmidt, illuminálás: Nürnberg) 1481 körül. Graz, UB UB Cod 131, (Bämler
Rövid leírás Származás Gyűjtemény Datálás Kép elérhetősége I.2/1 Tiberius Psalter Cotton MS Tiberius C VI f.10v miniatúra, 3. kísértés Old Minster?, Winchester British Library 1075
Culture and the Darwinian Renaissance in the social sciences and humanities
For a special issue of the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, “The Darwinian Renaissance in the Social Sciences and Humanities”
Manuscript evolution Trends in Genetics 17 147 152 . T. Kameda D
Kara, G[yörgy]: The Mongol and Manchu Manuscripts and Blockprints in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica 47.)
Editors of peer-reviewed journals obtain recommendations from peer reviewers as guidance in deciding upon the suitability of a submitted manuscript for publication. To investigate whether the number of reviewers used by an editor affects the rate at which manuscripts are rejected, 500 manuscripts submitted to Monthly Weather Review during 15.5 months in 2007–2008 were examined. Two and three reviewers were used for 306 and 155 manuscripts, respectively (92.2% of all manuscripts). Rejection rates for initial decisions and final decisions were not significantly different whether two or three reviewers were used. Manuscripts with more reviewers did not spend more rounds in review or have different rejection rates at each round. The results varied by editor, however, with some editors rejecting more two-reviewer manuscripts and others rejecting more three-reviewer manuscripts. Editors described using their scientific expertise in the decision-making process, either in determining the number of reviews to be sought or in making decisions once the reviews were received, approaches that differ from that of relying purely upon reviewer agreement as reported previously in the literature. A simple model is constructed for three decision-making strategies for editors: rejection when all reviewers recommend rejection, rejection when any reviewer recommends rejection, and rejection when a majority of reviewers recommend rejection. By plotting the probability of reviewer rejection against the probability of editor rejection, the decision-making process can be graphically illustrated, demonstrating that, for this dataset, editors are likely to reject a manuscript when any reviewer recommends rejection.
like to identify some of the elements of this narrative style, especially ones whose precedence or parallels can also be discovered in the Grimm tales. The tales presented in KHM exist in numerous manuscript and published versions