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The relatively copper-tolerant wheat variety Chinese Spring (recipient), the copper-sensitive variety Cappelle Desprez (donor) and their substitution lines were screened for copper tolerance in a soil pot experiment under artificial growth conditions. Chromosomes 5A, 5B, 5D and 7D of Cappelle Desprez significantly decreased the copper tolerance of the recipient variety to varying extents. By contrast, the 6B and 3D chromosomes significantly increased the copper tolerance of Chinese Spring, suggesting that a wide range of allelic differences could be expected between wheat genotypes for this character. The significant role of homologous group 5 in copper tolerance was confirmed by testing wheat-rye substitution lines. The substitution of rye chromosome 5R (5R/5A substitution line) into a wheat genetic background significantly increased the copper tolerance of the recipient wheat genotype. The results suggest that chromosomes 5R and 5A probably carry major genes or gene complexes responsible for copper tolerance, and that the copper tolerance of wheat can be improved through the substitution of a single chromosome carrying the responsible genes. At the same time, it is also possible that the effect of homologous group 5 is not specific to copper tolerance, but that the genes located on these chromosomes belong to a general stress adaptation (frost, cold, vernalisation requirements, etc.) complex, which has already been detected on this chromosome. To answer this question further studies are needed to determine the real effect of these chromosome regions and loci on copper tolerance.
Species richness, resource availability, and disturbance are the primary factors considered in assessing the invasibility of plant communities. Nonetheless, the density of individuals in a community is a common and easy trait to measure. The ecological significance of the density of both native and invasive tree species was assessed using a systematic review and formal meta-analysis. The densities of recipient communities and invasive exotic tree species in novel ranges were identified in the published literature. In addition, we compared by means of a meta-analysis: (i) densities of invasive versus native species in invaded communities; (ii) densities of native species in invaded versus uninvaded communities; and (iii) densities of invasive species along distance gradients from initial locus of invasion. Invasive trees were found at higher densities than native species in recipient communities. Invasions by woody species were also recorded in communities with relatively low densities of natives suggesting that (i) low density forests may be more susceptible to invasion and/or (ii) density of the recipient community may be reduced during the invasion process. In addition, comparison of native species densities between invaded and uninvaded stands from the same community suggests that invasive trees negatively affect density of native trees once established. Therefore, the widely reported low density and often richness of native plants in invaded communities cannot be directly linked to ecosystem susceptibility to invasion without considering concomitant impacts. These findings suggest that density is a key preliminary determinant or factor which should be considered when assessing tree invasion dynamics.
transplant recipients: Update on epidemiology, risk factors, and management. Dermatol. Surg., 2012, 38 (10), 1622–1630. 7 Brin, L., Zubair, A. S., Brewer, J. D.: Optimal
The 18 km long banks of the Bohunice NPP waste water recipient are contaminated by137Cs as a result of two accidents on the CO2 cooled NPP-A1 unit in 1976 and 1977. Contamination acceptance limits 6 or 8 Bq137Cs/g of soil, depending on contaminated area size, were derived on the basis of developed principles, and approved by the authorities. Removing and safe burial of 1100 m3 of contaminated soil from steep area and 15 cm thick clean soil covering on about 1 ha of flat area of the contaminated banks is planned in frame of the re-considered restoration project implementation in 1995/96.
The present work makes a contribution to the study of the reflection of the causal category in human consciousness. In theoretical aspects, the paper is based on the approach of frame semantics. It is an attempt to present a conceptual model of causal relationships within the interaction of discourse elements and knowledge framework of the recipient. The linguistic causality is a knowledge structure that reflects the objective causal relationships in language consciousness of Russian speakers. In the paper, the linguistic and cultural specificity of the cognitive content of the causal volitional frames and their means of expression in Russian are empirically determined and analyzed.
This paper presents three versions of the construction of the author’s position which aim at the creation of new types of communication. 1) The elimination of traditional genre differentiations which lead to the construction of narration, signalling a direct communication with the recipient (V. E. Yerofeev). 2) The transcendence of the limits of the word and the introduction into verbal texts of principles of semiosis from other arts, signalling the orientation towards a new antropology (D. A. Prigov). 3) The introduction of a virtual contact with the reader into the process of the creation of the text (E. Popov).
I will present a new interpretation of Trimalchio’s “learned” horoscope at Petr. Sat. 39. The aim is to point out that Trimalchio neither entirely comes out as amateur astrologer nor is his horoscope fully based on astrological treatises of his times. On the contrary, Trimalchio undertakes a widely unlearned methodological approach, recycles however astrological material and mixes this up with erudite puns at the internal recipients (the scholastici Agamemnon, Encolpius and co. who attend the dinner, yet fail to be worthy their profession).
Patel, R., Paya, C. V.: Infections in solid-organ transplant recipients. Clin. Microbiol. Rev., 1997, 10 , 86–124. Paya C. V
Mumbai Harbour Bay (MHB) is a recipient of low level treated effluents from BARC, Trombay. In addition, the Bay is also a recipient of domestic and industrial wastes from the city of Mumbai and adjoining areas. The average value of uranium concentration reported for Indian Bay water at Tarapur and Mumbai is ~3.0 ppb which is comparable with the reported value for Arabian sea. As such the global average is reported to be ~3.3 ppb by Oceanologists. The present study deals with the distribution of uranium in seawater of MHB. The uranium activity in MHB by alpha spectrometry was found to be between 1.0 and 4.4 ppb with an average concentration of 2.5 ppb which is comparable with the earlier reported average activity of 2.6 ppb in the MHB as well as those reported globally. To compare the results obtained by alpha spectrometry, uranium estimation was also carried out using Laser fluorimeter and the levels of uranium concentration have ranged between 0.8 and 4.9 ppb with an average concentration of 2.7 ppb.
Intermediaries in a technological knowledge network have recently been highlighted as crucial innovation drivers that accelerate technological knowledge flows. Although the patent network analysis has been frequently used to monitor technological knowledge structures, it has examined only sources or recipients of the technological knowledge by mainly estimating technological knowledge inflows or outflows of a network node. This study, therefore, aims to identify technological knowledge intermediaries when a technology-level knowledge network is composed of several industries. First, types of technological knowledge flows are deductively classified into four types by highlighting industry affiliations of source technologies and recipient technologies. Second, a directed technological knowledge network is generated at the technology class level, using patent co-classification analysis. Third, for each class, mediating scores are measured according to the four types. The empirical analysis illustrates the Korea’s technological knowledge network between 2000 and 2008. As a result, the four types of mediating scores are compared between industries, and industry-wise technological knowledge intermediaries are identified. The proposed approach is practical to explore converging processes in technology development where technology classes act as technological knowledge intermediaries among diverse industries.