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depression. The partial mediation effects suggest that there may exist other mediators to explain this relationship and more studies are warranted. The need of interventions to enhance well-being and health outcomes for male workers in Hong Kong is
. During treatment and follow-up, beyond asking the participants about their emotional and physical well-being, psychological questionnaires were registered six times [ 22 , 23 ]. Measurements Demographic
the 6 months prior to the study. Subjective effectiveness of ibogaine treatment We developed these items to assess participants’ posttreatment craving, posttreatment psychological well-being and mood
definition of gambling-related harm, these experiences are assumed to have an impact on a CSO’s wellbeing. The concepts of health and wellbeing are often conflated. Health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not
Számít-e, ha közös a cél? Párok személyes terveire vonatkozó közös értékelés, megküzdés és élmény szerepe a párkapcsolati elégedettségben
Do shared goals matter? Shared evaluations, coping and experiences in personal projects of couples and their role in relationship satisfaction
). Personal strivings: An approach to per-sonality and subjective well-being . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 51 ( 5 ), 1058 – 1068 . 10.1037/0022-3514.51.5.1058 Emmons , R. A . ( 1991 ). Personal strivings, daily life events, and
Az Önbevallásos Féltékenység Skála magyar változatának pszichometriai jellemzői
The psychometric characteristics of the Hungarian version of the Self-Report Jealousy Scale
and offline infidelity: The role of sex and sexual orientation . Scandinavian Journal of Psychology , 54 ( 4 ), 328 - 336 . Bech , P. , Gudex , C. , & Johansen , K.S. ( 1996 ). The WHO (Ten) Well-Being Index: Validation in diabetes
.87; seeking sexual encounters: α = 0.92; comparison with others: α = 0.91). Quality of life and subjective-well being We assessed quality of life (QOL) using the 26 item long, internationally developed World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment
Az Etnikai Csoportok Identitása Kérdőív (MEIM-H) validálása és pszichometriai jellemzői magyarországi roma mintán
The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM): Psychometric properties and validation on a Hungarian Gypsy/Roma sample
. ( 1996 ). The WHO (Ten) Well-Being Index: validation in diabetes , Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics , 65 ( 4 ), 183 – 190 . Bernát , A . ( 2014 ). Leszakadóban: a romák társadalmi helyzete a mai Magyarországon
Jelentős változások a hippokratészi eskü, illetve a nemzetközi orvosi fogadalom szövegében
Significant changes in the text of Hippocratic oath and the international medical oath
] 6 WMA statement in physicians well-being. World Medical Association, 2015.
sexual health has considerable public health implications. The WHO ( 2006 ) presents a holistic and comprehensive definition of sexual health as being, “ a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is