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depression. The partial mediation effects suggest that there may exist other mediators to explain this relationship and more studies are warranted. The need of interventions to enhance well-being and health outcomes for male workers in Hong Kong is

Open access

. During treatment and follow-up, beyond asking the participants about their emotional and physical well-being, psychological questionnaires were registered six times [ 22 , 23 ]. Measurements Demographic

Open access

the 6 months prior to the study. Subjective effectiveness of ibogaine treatment We developed these items to assess participants’ posttreatment craving, posttreatment psychological well-being and mood

Open access

definition of gambling-related harm, these experiences are assumed to have an impact on a CSO’s wellbeing. The concepts of health and wellbeing are often conflated. Health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not

Open access

Számít-e, ha közös a cél? Párok személyes terveire vonatkozó közös értékelés, megküzdés és élmény szerepe a párkapcsolati elégedettségben

Do shared goals matter? Shared evaluations, coping and experiences in personal projects of couples and their role in relationship satisfaction

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Viola Sallay
Orsolya Rosta-Filep
Dóra Vajda
Anna Dorka Kocsis
, and
Tamás Martos

). Personal strivings: An approach to per-sonality and subjective well-being . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 51 ( 5 ), 1058 – 1068 . 10.1037/0022-3514.51.5.1058 Emmons , R. A . ( 1991 ). Personal strivings, daily life events, and

Open access

Az Önbevallásos Féltékenység Skála magyar változatának pszichometriai jellemzői

The psychometric characteristics of the Hungarian version of the Self-Report Jealousy Scale

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Cintia Budinszki
Rita Hargitai

and offline infidelity: The role of sex and sexual orientation . Scandinavian Journal of Psychology , 54 ( 4 ), 328 - 336 . Bech , P. , Gudex , C. , & Johansen , K.S. ( 1996 ). The WHO (Ten) Well-Being Index: Validation in diabetes

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Charlotte Markert
Florian Storz
Sarah Golder
Johanna Rechmann
Julian A. Rubel
Christopher Lalk
Rabea Vogt
Julia A. Glombiewski
David Braun
Christiane A. Pané-Farré
Tanja Michael
Hannah K. Mattheus
Nanne Dominick
Klaus Wölfling
Wolfgang Lutz
Jana Schaffrath
Ulrich Stangier
Schahryar Kananian
Dirk Strüwing
Doerthe Klingelhöfer
Frederik Valbert
Anja Neumann
Bertram Walter
, and
Rudolf Stark

.87; seeking sexual encounters: α = 0.92; comparison with others: α = 0.91). Quality of life and subjective-well being We assessed quality of life (QOL) using the 26 item long, internationally developed World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment

Open access

Az Etnikai Csoportok Identitása Kérdőív (MEIM-H) validálása és pszichometriai jellemzői magyarországi roma mintán

The Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM): Psychometric properties and validation on a Hungarian Gypsy/Roma sample

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Tünde Szabó
Éva Susánszky
J. Ágnes Lukács
Ildikó Danis
, and
Beáta Dávid

. ( 1996 ). The WHO (Ten) Well-Being Index: validation in diabetes , Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics , 65 ( 4 ), 183 – 190 . Bernát , A . ( 2014 ). Leszakadóban: a romák társadalmi helyzete a mai Magyarországon

Open access

Jelentős változások a hippokratészi eskü, illetve a nemzetközi orvosi fogadalom szövegében

Significant changes in the text of Hippocratic oath and the international medical oath

Orvosi Hetilap
Beáta Laki
Tibor Szolcsányi
, and
István Tiringer

] 6 WMA statement in physicians well-being. World Medical Association, 2015.

Open access

sexual health has considerable public health implications. The WHO ( 2006 ) presents a holistic and comprehensive definition of sexual health as being, “ a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is

Open access