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-Gadancourt Gallia 13 163 179 MRT 7. 1986 Torma L, szerk., Pest megye. Magyarország régészeti topográfiája 7. Budapest

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Akadémiai Értesítő. A Philosophiai, Törvény- és Történettudományi Osztályok Közlönye 1 (1860) 61–167, hier 145, 146, 152; Szabó, K.: A vezérek kora. Árpádtól Szent Istvánig [Das Zeitalter der Fürsten. Von Arpad bis Stephan I.]. Pest 1869, 228

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Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, so instead of the former center (Buda)Pest, Belgrade de facto became the cultural capital of all Serbs – things remained the same in a way: the field of literary translation from Hungarian into Serbian still remained the

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–1034] Rosta (2014) 197, 9. kép. 6 Sümeg (Kom. Veszprém/H) DOC 1 Konstantinopel [1028–1034] S. im Beitrag 7 Székesfehérvár (Kom. Fejér/H) DOC 1 Konstantinopel [1028–1034] Prohászka (2022) 8 Tura (Kom. Pest/H) Fälschung S. im Beitrag Abb. 2. Die Falschmünze

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Jassics and Cumans, the administrative term “districtus,” i.e., district, has only been used since the middle of the 17th century. The palatine's letter of safe conduct issued in 1682 at the Pest County Court of Law stated that the Cumans and Jassics no

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and hatters came to Salzburg from Buda, Pest, Bratislava (in Hungarian: Pozsony), Timisoara (in Hungarian: Temesvár) and Sopron. 14 While the history of early modern guild migration is one of the most continuously and intensively researched topics in

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Das Wiener Neugebäude und die Kunst der Irenik am Hofe Maximilians II.

The Viennese Neugebäude and the Art of Irenicism at the Court of Maximilian II.

Acta Historiae Artium Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Veronika Szűcs

türkische Belagerung, Pest 1829 . 55. Hansmann 1988 – Hansmann , Wilfried : Gartenkunst der Renaissance und des Barock . Köln, DuMont 1988 . 56. Hart 1998 – Hart

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Some observations on the three vessels with characteristic decorative elements of La Tène culture from the cemetery in Szob

A La Tène kultúra jellegzetes motívumaival díszített három figyelemre méltó edény a szobi temetőből

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Károly Tankó

The La Tène cemetery of Szob is one of the key sites dating to the Iron Age period in the Carpathian Basin. Szob is a town in Pest County near Hungary's northern border with Slovakia ( Fig. 1a ) . It is situated on the northern bank of the Danube

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Baroque tradition in early Romanticism •

Grounding the modern literary canon in Hungary

Hungarian Studies
Sándor Bene

Society , 14 : 203 – 217 . Kazinczy , F. (kiad.) ( 1817 ). Zrínyinek minden munkáji , voll. I–II . János Tamás Trattner , Pest . Kazinczy , F. ( 1890–1960 ). Levelezése . In: Váczy , J. , Harsányi , I. , Berlász , J. , Busa , M

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pernecessarius est, tum quod Vestra Regia Maiestas non modo nunc, sed et cum princeps Transylvaniam regeret, satis ostendit, quam sibi pestes istae haeresum displicerent, cum Ariani cuiusdam impii manuscriptum librum in ignem iniiciens, dixit: Satis pestium

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