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This drastic change in funeral practices also means a transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age in the general region. 2 However, the introduction of a new cosmological 3 doctrine

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requires a brief reflection on 150 or so publications. The smallest group comprises works that publish or examine sources from the Middle Ages; the next group, testaments from the 16th and 17th centuries, has attracted the attention of a significantly

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Calvary of King Matthias Corvinus in the Treasury of Esztergom Cathedral , Budapest , 1983 . Kovács , Éva : L’âge d’or de l’orfèvrerie parisienne au temps des princes de Valois , Dijon , 2004 . Kreytenberg , Gert : Orcagna’s Tabernacle in

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1909. 75 As a result of mutually encouraging efforts at the turn of the century, soil science gradually became independent from geology worldwide. However, scientists in the early modern age did not yet have access to the analytical methods and

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Modéliser la prise de Constantinople (1204) •

Les lettres fictives de Boncompagno da Signa et leur intertextualité

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Benoît Grévin

et traduite par E. Faral [ Les Classiques de l'histoire de France au Moyen Âge 18–19]. Paris 1938–1939, 2 vol. 2 Lettre éditée dans Die Register Innocenz III. 7. Pontifikatsjahr, 1204–1205 . Éd. O. Hageneder et al. Wien 1997, n° 152, 253–262. 3

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policy in 1958. However, these ideas […] were put into action only later and gradually, and they laid the foundations for a sustained cultural upswing in the 1960s and 1970s, as well as for a golden age at turn of those decades.” ( Berend T. et al., 1989

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The investigation of ninth–eleventh century burials from Himod (NW Hungary)

Physical anthropology data in the light of artifact typology

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Piroska Rácz
Péter Langó

development, the site was not fully explored. However, in spite of this limitation, features belonging to various periods were found in a 500 m long and 7 m wide section ( Fig. 1 ). Prehistoric finds represented the Linearband, Lengyel and Late Copper Age

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from the interview with Péter Várnai in 1979 1 and the other as told to Eckhard Roelcke in 2003 2 – differ in some details but in both, Ligeti asserted having read Krúdy at the age of five, conceding both times that this was not exactly age

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Today it is a platitude in aesthetics that appreciable litterature is supposed to be innovative and non-conform to the existing aesthetic noms. In his essay, Mr Giulani attempts to comprehend how the literature of French Classicism managed to prosper and maintain its fertility following aesthetic of convenance, that is, a system which exludes all kinds of resistence to established norms and principles.

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Industry played an important role in the economy of Egypt during the Mamluk period. There were many kinds of industries which operated at the time, such as textiles, sugar, paper, glasswork and metalwork. Nevertheless, the period under discussion witnessed the changes in industries some of which were in a situation of malaise and were less busy. One of the important factors that has been identified as affecting industry during the time was the lack of technological innovation. This led to competition from Europe where technological innovation in many industrial sectors had been in progress from the end of 14th century.

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