Search Results
One Arabian and 5 Hungarian half-bred horses were used to study the macroscopic and microscopic survival of autologous osteochondral grafts in the weight-bearing surface of the medial femoral condyle (MFC). Grafts were harvested from the cranial surface of the medial femoral trochlea (MFT) under arthroscopic control. Three of them were transplanted into the weight-bearing surface of the contralateral MFC using an arthrotomy approach. Three months later this transplantation procedure was repeated on the opposite stifle joints in the same animals, but at that time transplantation was performed arthroscopically. Follow-up arthroscopy was carried out 12 months after the first operations, and biopsies were taken from both the recipient and the donor sites for histological examination. During follow-up arthroscopy, the transplanted areas looked congruent and smooth. Microscopically, the characteristics of hyaline cartilage were present in 5 out of the 10 biopsies examined; however, in the other half of biopsies glycosaminoglycan (GAG) loss and change in the architecture of the transplanted cartilage was observed. In a 16-year-old horse, all grafts broke during harvesting, and thus transplantation was not performed. No radiological signs of osteoarthritic changes were detected 9 to 12 months after the operations in the donor and recipient joints. Clinically, no lameness or effusion was present three months after the transplantations.
2006 Post transplant de novo malignancies in renal transplant recipients: The past and the future Transplant Int 19 607 620 . 3
The EBV carrier state is almost general in men. The virus induces B lymphocyte proliferation in vitro, but this is counteracted in vivo by the immune response. Therefore, EBV-induced malignancies occur only when the immune response is impaired, e.g. in transplant recipients. The versatility of the viral gene expression strategy secures the consistent maintainance of the virus in healthy individuals. The viral proteins required for transformation render the cell immunogenic. Expression of the transforming genes leads to rejection, but these genes are not required for the maintenance of the viral genome. EBV is an important contributor for malignant transformation, even when it does not directly induce cell proliferation. Several mechanisms have been unravelled in EBV-associated tumors whereby the virus may modify the cellular phenotype and may influence the interaction of tumor cells with their microenvironment. The virus carrier state can lead to the evasion of apoptosis and can intensify the response to growth promoting signals, too.
The paper considers two aspects of the targeting of unemployment benefit systems: (a) the probability that benefit is received in the population of those unemployed on standard international criteria of search and availability, and (b) the probability in the population of benefit recipients that search is conducted. The focus is on Hungary but stylised facts for a range of Central European countries and two EU comparators are derived in the first part of the paper. The second part of the paper finds that most of the large decline in coverage of the Hungarian unemployed by insurance benefit (received by only a quarter of the searching stock in 1997) cannot be explained by changes in the composition of unemployment observable in labour force survey data (including unemployment duration). The probability of active search (search other than through a state employment office) is found to be very similar for those receiving insurance and assistance benefit.
Far the most acknowledged and influential author in the economics of Eastern Europe has been János Kornai, the theorist of economic systems and a prolific writer on a variety of subjects in the seventy years of his academic career. His output appeared in more than a dozen of languages. He was criticized and appreciated, especially on the occasion of his 90th birthday, commemorated by – yet another – Festschrift, special issues of academic journals, later followed up by countless obituaries paying the due tribute to someone who has never made to the Nobel Prize, but whose influence definitely exceeded that of many recipients. In this essay we avoid the usual chronological description and highlight certain major themes and try to establish his place in the history of global economic thought. We are aware of our constraints, since it would perhaps take a monograph rather than an article to serve justice to this exceptional academic output of his.
The author claims that the common cultural grounds between languages may be demonstrated by words and phrases which were created analogically, based on a similar linguistic image of the world. This image can be reconstructed in the most reliable way on the basis of the origin of these words, so etymology plays a decisive role in research. It is fruitful to study the linguistic representation of certain objects, actions, notions or characteristic features in several languages of a larger area simultaneously since the results of this ‘comparative etymology’ may put some light on the roots of these common cultural grounds. Loanwords and calques, filling in a certain gap in the borrowing language, can also contribute to the transfer of the linguistic image of the world from the donor language, which makes the adaptation of these phrases in the recipient language easier.
This paper examines the project sponsoring pattern and the outcome of extramural R&D with respect to the projects sponsored by country's eleven central agencies during the Seventh Five-Year Plan period. The outcome considered are: contribution of R&D support to development of R&D facilities at the recipient institutions, creation of employment through project posts, development of new technologies, quantum and quality of research publications and generation of doctoral thesis. The paper concludes that sponsored R&D has largely remained one-way flow of funds to a preferred set of institutions (as perceived by each sponsoring agency) and the outcome of the R&D have also remained unexamined by the respective funding agencies. The paper advocates development of a monitoring system which would help in enhancing the utilisation of sponsored R&D and its overall impact on science, society and economy.
Liver transplantation (LT) is the sole treatment modality of most of diffuse liver diseases. Simultaneous-pancreas-kidney (SPK) transplantation is also a life saving operation for IDDM patients. Both procedures are established treatment options in the European Community (EC) and in the US. These procedures are performed in a significantly smaller number in Hungary. Having a larger demand for LT than the supply of cadaver donors alternative solutions are sought to increase the number of transplantable livers. In Hungary partly the shortage of donors and the shortage of recipients are the factors rendering the number of LTs and SPKs low. These factors can be changed by better organisation and good survival data that make the two procedures accepted by the community of physicians.
Context. The use of citation frequency and impact factor as measures of research quality and journal prestige is being criticized. Citation frequency is augmented by self-citation and for most journals the majority of citations originate from a minority of papers. We hypothesized that citation frequency is also associated with the geographical origin of the research publication. Objective. We determined whether citations originate more frequently from institutes that are located in the same country as the authors of the cited publication than would be expected by chance. Design. We screened citations referring to 1200 cardiovascular publications in the 7 years following their publication. For the 1200 citation recipient publications we documented the country where the research originated (9 countries/regions) and the total number of received citations. For a selection of 8864 citation donor papers we registered the country/region where the citing paper originated. Results. Self-citation was common in cardiovascular journals (n = 1534, 17.8%). After exclusion of self-citation, however, the number of citations that originated from the same country as the author of the citation recipient was found to be on average 31.6% higher than would be expected by chance (p<0.01 for all countries/regions). In absolute numbers, nation oriented citation bias was most pronounced in the USA, the country with the largest research output (p<0.001). Conclusion. Citation frequency was significantly augmented by nation oriented citation bias. This nation oriented citation behaviour seems to mainly influence the cumulative citation number for papers originating from the countries with a larger research output.
, pp. 721 – 766 2. Fuchs M , Wu D , Ebcioglu Z : Pregnancy in renal transplant recipients . Semin Perinatol 31 ( 6 ), 339 – 347 ( 2007