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Pszichiátriai osztályon diagnosztizált, AIDS talaján kialakult progresszív multifokális leukoencephalopathia
Case report and literature review of AIDS-related progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy diagnosed in a psychiatric department
leukoencephalopathy in transplant recipients. Ann Neurol. 2011; 70: 305–322. 9 Zerbe CS, Marciano BE, Katial RK, et al. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
encephalitis in allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients. Clin. Infect. Dis., 2001, 33 , 763–771. Yeung L. Human herpesvirus 6 reactivation and encephalitis in allogeneic bone marrow
[ 17 ], organ transplant recipients and other immunocompromised patients, patients with inflammatory bowel disease [ 18 ], refugees [ 19 ] and patients with liver symptoms [ 20 ] but there is a limited number of a comprehensive study about the
A káliumkompetitív savgátlók szerepe a felső emésztőtraktus savfüggő betegségeinek kezelésében
The role of potassium-competitive acid blockers in the treatment of acid-related digestive diseases
–668. 40 Suzuki Y, Yoshihashi T, Takahashi K, et al. Drug–drug interaction between tacrolimus and vonoprazan in kidney transplant recipients. J Clin Med 2021; 10: 3964
a renal allograft recipient. Transpl. Infect. Dis., 2005, 7, 71–74. 47 Michaels, M. G.: Treatment of congenital cytomegalovirus: where are we now? Expert
Agyi myeloma képét utánzó toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis masquerading as cerebral myeloma
. Guidelines for preventing infectious complications among hematopoietic cell transplantation recipients: a global perspective . Biol Blood Marrow Transpl 2009 ; 15 ( 10 ): 1143 – 1238 . [7
have to ability to spread to, infect and immunize unvaccinated contacts of vaccine recipients, as immunologically normal individuals usually excrete infectious vaccine viruses for 2–4 weeks after receiving OPV [ 6, 7 ]. Despite its well
Shigella isolates were characterized by total DNA digestion following the PulseNet protocol ( ). Conjugation assay Broth mating assay was performed utilising Escherichia coli K12 (J53) as recipient and S
Párbeszéd a vérképző őssejt-transzplantációval kezelt betegek multidiszciplináris ellátásáról
A cytomegalovirus-ellenes stratégia aktualitásai és jövője allogén vérképző őssejt-transzplantációban a hematológus és az infektológus szemszögéből
Dialogue on multidisciplinary care for haematopoietic stem cell transplant patients
Update and future of anti-cytomegalovirus strategy in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from the hematologist and infectologist perspective
, La Rosa C , Baden LR , et al. Poxvirus Vectored cytomegalovirus vaccine to prevent cytomegalovirus viremia in transplant recipients: a phase 2, randomized clinical trial . Ann Intern Med 2020 ; 172 : 306 – 316 . [2] Basar R , Daher M
. , Krajewska , M. and Kváč , M. ( 2016 ): Prevalence and molecular characteristics of urinary and intestinal microsporidia infections in renal transplant recipients . Clin