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2006 Régészeti és okleveles adatok a Jászság 10–15 . századi településtörténetéhez (Archaeological and Charter Data for the Jazygian Settlemental History in the 10th–15th Centuries). Tisicum (Szolnok) 15 , 77 – 97

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' charter of privileges). Let us not forget that artisans and children could not work independently, and guild work also functioned as a practical training and education system – something the guild master had to do himself in addition to his work. An urban

Open access

Sustainable consumption and production

An effort to reconcile the determinants of environmental impact

Society and Economy
Stefano Pogutz
Valerio Micale

14 Tukker, A. — Emmert, S. — Charter, M. — Vezzoli, C. — Sto, E. — Andersen, M. M. — Geerken, T. — Tischner, U. — Lahlou, S. (2008a): Fostering Change to Sustainable Consumption and

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World Health Organization: Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Health Promotion, 1986, 1, iii–iv. 9 Boyle, P., Veronesi, U., Tubiana, M., et al.: European School

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:// [Letöltve: 2024. 01. 18.] Caribbean Travelers’ Guide ( 2019 ) Be informed . Buy informed . Charter for Sustainable Tourism ( 1995 )

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A Sandomierz penny of Vladislas the Ell-high (1305–1333) from the graveyard in Felsőzsolca, Hungary

Łokietek Ulászló (1305–1333) uralkodása alatt vert Sandomierz-denár Felsőzsolca temetőjéből

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Borys Paszkiewicz
Erika Simonyi

. Vladislas the Ell-high’s elder brother, Duke Lestek the Black of Cracow, Sandomierz and Sieradz (1279–1288), re-chartered Sandomierz in 1286, after the town had been heavily devastated by the Mongol invasion. Lestek entrusted the city and its vogt Witig

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) Broadbent, M. (1999): Measuring Business Performance. London: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Measuring Business Performance

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European Union, since after 2005 there have been several international charters, conventions, guidelines and initiatives, for the implementation of which a substantial financial support from EU funds was available, helping the realisation of local projects

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Tehetség a munkahelyen 1. A tehetség elméleti megközelítése munkahelyi kontextusban

Talent at Work 1. A Theoretical Approach to Talent in a Workplace Context

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Dóra Klajkó
Bonnie Bakurecz
Gyöngyvér Csapó
Nikoletta Fejes
Szilvia Kázmér-Mayer
, and
Andrea Czibor

: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development . Tansley , C ., Kirk , S ., & Tietze , S . ( 2013 ). The currency of talent management—A reply to “talent management and the relevance of context: Towards a pluralistic approach” . Human Resource

Open access

, which were understandably shunned after the regime change ( Németh 2020 :324). Cultural heritage protection is governed by the Venice Charter, which was adopted internationally in 1964. 40 The term ‘industrial heritage’ was coined later by French

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