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Pseudoxanthoma elasticumban szenvedő betegek multidiszciplináris ellátása

Multidisciplinary management of patients affected with pseudoxanthoma elasticum

Orvosi Hetilap
Klára Farkas
Norbert Kiss
Viktória Szabó
Miklós Resch
Rita Vámos
Ágnes Borbándy
Anikó Nagy
Astrid Apor
Tamás Arányi
Flóra Szeri
Norbert Wikonkál
Zoltán Nagy
Béla Merkely
, and
Márta Medvecz

therapy for heritable ectopic mineralization disorders. J Invest Dermatol. 2019; 139: 1254–1263. 25 Hosen MJ, Lamoen A, De Paepe A, et al. Histopathology of

Open access

Appleton, M. A., Douglas-Jones, A. G., Morgan, J. M.: Evidence of effectiveness of clinical audit in improving histopathology reporting standards of mastectomy specimens. J. Clin. Pathol., 1998, 51 , 30–33. Morgan

Restricted access
Orvosi Hetilap
A. Marcell Szász
Balázs Ács
Emese Ágoston
Zsófia Sztupinszki
Anna-Mária Tőkés
Liliána Szittya
Borbála Székely
Miklós Szendrői
Qiyuan Li
László Harsányi
József Tímár
Zoltán Szállási
Charles Swanton
Balázs Győrffy
, and
Janina Kulka

-up. Histopathology, 1991, 19 , 403–410. Ellis I. O. Pathological prognostic factors in breast cancer. I. The value of histological grade in breast cancer: experience from a large study with long

Open access

livers: a comparative study of histopathology and frequency of hepatitis B markers. Cancer, 1982, 49 , 450–455. Sakamoto K. Hepatocellular carcinoma arising in non-cirrhotic and

Restricted access
Orvosi Hetilap
Emese Irma Ágoston
Evelin Horváth
Balázs Győrffy
László Harsányi
, and
A. Marcell Szász

. Histopathology 2007; 50: 113–130. 7 Popat S, Hubner R, Houlston RS. Systematic review of microsatellite instability and colorectal cancer prognosis. J Clin Oncol. 2005; 23: 609

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Erika Hubina
Ágnes Tóth
Gábor László Kovács
Judit Dénes
László Kovács
, and
Miklós Góth

Marazuela, M., Daudén, E., Ocón, E. és mtsai: Pegvisomant-induced lipohypertrophy: report of a case with histopathology. Ann. Intern. Med., 2007, 147 , 741–743. Ocón E. Pegvisomant

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Orvosi Hetilap
Zsófia Miltényi
Zsófia Simon
Edit Páyer
László Váróczy
Lajos Gergely
, and
Árpád Illés

. Histopathology, 2000, 36 , 69–89. Diebold J. The World Health Organization classification of neoplastic diseases of the haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues: report of the Clinical Advisory

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Interventional Medicine and Applied Science
Zsófia Patkó
Albert Császár
György Acsády
Iván Őry
Éva Takács
, and
József Fűrész

2007 Atherogenesis: the role of inflammation and infection Histopathology 50 535 546 . 2. A

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surface . Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 60 , 155 – 162 . 21. Rodríguez , M. A. , Venedikian , N. , Bazzalo , M. E. , Godeas , A. ( 2004 ) Histopathology of Sclerotinia

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Clinical and Experimental Medical Journal
Godwins Okagbo Echejoh
Matthew N. Tanko
Agabus N. Manasseh
Stella Ogala-Echejoh
Barnabas Mandong
, and
Edith Okeke

Histopathology 18 459 – 464 . [15]. T. Piratvitsuth P. Siripaitoon H. Sriplug B. Ovartlarnporn 1999 Findings and benefit of liver biopsies in 46 patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 14 146

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