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A társas helyzetben tapasztalt flow-élmény kapcsolata az élettel való elégedettséggel és a pszichológiai jólléttel, fiatal felnőtteknél
Experiencing flow in social activities and its relationship with satisfaction with life and psychological wellbeing, in the sample of young adults
measurement of flow in everyday life: towards a theory of emergent motivation . In J.E. Jacobs (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Vol.40: Developmental Perspectives on Motivation (pp. 57 – 98 ). Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press
A Szülői Bevonódás a Sportban Kérdőív hazai adaptációja
Hungarian adaptation of Parental Involvement in Sport Questionnaire
Irodalom Amado , D. , Sánchez-Oliva , D. , González-Ponce , I. , Pulido-González , J.J. , & Sánchez-Miguel , P.A. ( 2015 ). Incidence of parental support and pressure on their children's motivational processes towards sport practice
dysmorphic disorder should also be considered a primary disorder in the context of exercise addiction remains an open question. In brief, when a person's maladaptive exercise behavior is driven by motivation typically associated with dedicated exercise, it is
, 110 ( 2 ), 501 – 517 . Barker , V. ( 2009 ). Older adolescents’ motivations for social network site use: The influence of gender, group identity, and collective self
risks pathologizing intensive physical exercise The update proposed by Dinardi and colleagues (2021) focused on the “ factors that lead an individual to be interested in exercise as an outlet for physical activity, their specific motivations
person using a psychedelic, including factors such as mood, attitudes, preparation, personal history, personality, expectations, motivations for using, and beliefs about themselves and the use of drugs. Set can be further categorized into “long-range” and
Tapasztalatok egy manualizált csoportos edukációs programmal az osztályos kardiológiai rehabilitációban
Experiences with a manualized group patient education program in residential cardiac rehabilitation
techniques in healthy eating and physical activity interventions: A meta-regression . Health Psychology , 28 ( 6 ), 690 – 701 . Miller , W.R. , & Rollnick , S. ( 1991 ). Motivational
Majeskie M C Fiore 2004 Addiction motivation reformulated: An affective processing model of negative reinforcement Psychological Review
H Ursin H R Eriksen 2007 The relationship between strong motivation to work, “workaholism”, and health Psychology and
publication, experimental design, country, sample characteristics, and sample size. How the study assessed GD or a proxy of GD (i.e., willingness to continue, willingness to return to play, excitement, engagement, enjoyment, fun, motivation, time spent gaming