Search Results
. , Krajewska , M. and Kváč , M. ( 2016 ): Prevalence and molecular characteristics of urinary and intestinal microsporidia infections in renal transplant recipients . Clin
, 9 (3), 195–200. 19 Nilsson, M., Persson, L. O., Forsberg, A.: Perceptions of experiences of graft rejection among organ transplant recipients striving to
142 Antus B., Csiszer E., Czebe K. és mtsa: Pulmonary infections increase exhaled nitric oxide in lung transplant recipients: a longitudinal study. Clin. Transplant., 2005
C. Vassilopoulos C.G. Tsatiris 2002 Electrical storms in an ICD-recipient with 429 delivered appropriate shocks: therapeutic management with
SARS-CoV-2-fertőzés és annak megelőzése gyermekkori krónikus szisztémás autoimmun betegségekben
SARS-CoV-2 infection and its prevention in pediatric autoimmune diseases
, Hadler SC, et al. Use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine after reports of myocarditis among vaccine recipients: update from the advisory committee on immunization practices – United States, June 2021. Morb
Korai és késői graftectomiák a Szegedi Sebészeti Klinikán – 5 év beteganyagában
Early and late graftectomies in patients during a 5-year period - single unit data from the Department of Surgery, University of Szeged
characteristics of renal transplant recipients who under went early versus late graft nephrectomy . Transpl Proc 2013 ; 45 ( 8 ): 2953 – 6 . 10.1016/j.transproceed.2013.08.054 11
Krónikus limfocitás leukémiás beteg orbita és szem mucormycosisa
Orbital and ocular mucormycosis of a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
, Molina KC , Gutman JA , et al. Mucormycosis in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients and in patients
A komplex betegoktatási program szerepe a szívelégtelenségben szenvedő betegek gondozásában
The role of complex patient education program in heart failure care
, Bari Z, et al. Refined heart failure detection algorithm for improved clinical reliability of OptiVol alerts in CRT-D recipients. Cardiol J. 2018; 25: 236–244. 51
conjugation experiments and were analyzed for the bla CTX-M-15 gene transferring, using E. coli K12 [F - lac + Nal (r)] as a recipient strain. Strains were mixed at the ratio of 1:2 (donor/recipient) on LB agar followed by overnight
45 . 88. H.S. Taylor 2004 Endometrial cells derived from donor stem cells in bone marrow transplant recipients