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). Another aspect of In-process collaboration is terminology consistency ( Jensen, 2006 ). If interpreters employ different terms for the same subject, the audience may be misled that the subject matter itself has altered ( Jones, 2002 , p. 86). Teamwork for

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issues, progress, and the specific area of law. Depending on the complexity of the case, some interpreters ( N = 6) also mentioned the expectation of more detailed information, including the specific legal terminology, and the mode of interpreting to be

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interpreting process and the necessity of strategic processing. Her section on long-debated terminological discrepancies is most welcome as it clarifies the use of ‘strategy‘ and ‘tactic’. There is also a very interesting section on the advantages of

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Cankarja. Geneza štirih pojmov: umetnina kot organizem, umetnostno hotenje, forma in stil (Izidor Cankar's Terminology. Genesis of Four Notions. Piece of Art as Organism, Kunstwollen, Form and Style), Umetnostna kronika , 20, 2008, pp. 25 . On individual

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the content of the term artistic research but also the terminology used when discussing related issues is still under development. Entailing certain differences in emphasis, the terms practice-based, art-led, practice-led, and artistic research have

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: “Legal terminology is characterized by polysemy. This means that, even within a single legal culture, the same term may express several concepts depending on the context in which it is used. Extremely important in legal language, the phenomenon of

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From passion to knowledge

Plotinus' grades of virtues as stages in the development of practical moral agency

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Dániel Attila Kovács

each given context and partly due to the influence of the terminology of the respective Platonic treatises inspiring different parts of his discussion. In the first two chapters, Plotinus attributes virtues to the soul, which he takes to be the subject

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” ( Diamond 1980 :10). Diamond's terminology may seem a little outdated to the modern reader, but it is clear that he regarded legal ethnology as a discipline concerned mainly with the exploration and collection of historical traditions, and Tárkány Szücs

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PATTERNS IN TRANSLATION AND SECOND LANGUAGE RESEARCH As indicated above, definitions and specific operationalisations of LD vary across studies reported in literature, just as terminology. Malvern and colleagues (2004: 3) claim that “[f]or some, the terms

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2012 ; Piñón 2005 ) build on the degree analysis of degree achievements emphasizing the link between degree achievements, their base adjectives, and their particular standards, we use the evaluativity terminology and utilize the appropriate tests. In

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