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In the present study, canine distemper virus (CDV) was investigated in 20 dogs having nervous signs arousing the clinical suspicion of canine distemper (CD). A total of 13 animals (65%) were stray dogs and had no accurate record about the vaccination history. Clinical examinations revealed that the majority (85%) of the animals showed systemic form characterised by predominantly nervous symptoms accompanied by mild respiratory system signs whilst the remaining cases (15%) recorded mainly respiratory distress. CDV RNA was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) only in 45% of the suspected cases. Phylogenetic analysis of partial nucleotide sequence of the P gene coding region revealed that the virus is closely related to European strains. Immune responses in 13 cases (65%), which were detected by dot-ELISA, indicated inefficient levels for neutralising functions against CDV. It was postulated that this response could have been mediated by either previous vaccination or mild infection with field strains.
This research consists of an evaluation of the effectiveness of different substances administered as adjuvants in the stimulation of humoral immune response induced by the vaccine composed of strains A1, A2 and C of Dichelobacter nodosus. To do this, a total of 120 Merino sheep were vaccinated and revaccinated. These sheep were selected from a farm located in the region of Extremadura (Spain), and they were divided into 12 groups of 10 animals each. An additional group with 10 sheep was used as control. The immune response (titre of antibodies) was determined by agglutination tests and ELISA. The most pronounced immune response was obtained by the use of Freund's incomplete adjuvant and aluminium hydroxide as adjuvants.
Sequence analysis revealed a short alternative open reading frame (ORF) named ORF7a within the nucleocapsid gene of genetically divergent porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) genomes. Alignment of the corresponding protein sequences (named 7ap) revealed substantial heterogeneity among 7aps of different genotypes, though all of them are predicted to be positively charged. Green fluorescent protein and FLAG fusion constructs of ORF7a of the HU-14432/2011 PRRSV demonstrated that 7ap is expressed. 7ap of HU- 14432/2011 (Hu7ap) was synthesised chemically, and ELISA experiments revealed that Hu7ap binds strongly to mammalian IgGs. Protein-protein gel retardation assays and complement fixation inhibition suggest that 7aps bind to the CH2 domain of the IgG(Fc) fragment. Cellular localisation and immunological characteristics of PRRSV 7ap may indicate multiple functions including nuclear and cytoplasmic over-tuning of normal cellular processes and immunosuppression.
Serum samples of 746 shot wild boars collected throughout Slovenia during the hunting season of 2005/2006 were examined for the presence of antibodies against rabies virus: 541 samples were collected in areas subjected to yearly antirabies vaccination, and 205 samples were collected in areas where preventive antirabies vaccination was not practised. Using a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in 209 out of 746 sera (28%) the levels of antibodies against rabies virus were higher than 0.5 IU/ml and deemed positive. A total of 173/541 (32%) and 36/205 (18%) samples were positive in the vaccinated and nonvaccinated areas, respectively. Further analysis of 191 out of the 746 samples using the fluorescent antibody virus neutralisation (FAVN) test revealed the presence of antibodies against rabies virus in 122/191 (64%) samples. This is the first extended research reporting that antibodies against rabies virus that originate from preventive oral vaccination targeting the fox population are present in wild boar.
A serological survey was conducted in 2007 in the breeding goat population in Poland to gain insights into the epidemiology of pestivirus infection. All breeding herds were included in the study and representative serum samples were taken in each herd to evaluate herd-level seroprevalence at 10% expected individual-level prevalence and 95% level of confidence. Altogether 1060 serum samples from 49 herds were tested with blocking ELISA and then the positive and inconclusive results were confirmed in a serum neutralisation test, which also allowed us to determine the pestivirus species responsible for seroconversion. Herd-level seroprevalence proved to be 10.2% and bovine viral diarrhoea virus type 1 (BVDV-1) was responsible for the seroconversion in seven out of eight cases. In the remaining serum sample the causative virus could not be identified due to a pronounced cross-neutralising activity possibly derived from multiple infections. This is the first report on the diagnosis of BVDV-1 infection in Polish goats.
The anaerobic bacillus Clostridium chauvoei is the causative agent of blackleg, a lethal disease that has an important impact on the sheep and cattle industry worldwide. Immunity to C. chauvoei is considered to be mainly anticellular, and for this reason there is scarce information about the immunogenicity of extracellular proteins. In this work variations in protein profiles, immune response by ELISA and protective capacity of culture supernatants of three C. chauvoei strains, collected at different growth phases, are reported. Sera raised against extracellular antigens also recognised cellular antigens of the same molecular masses. Partially purified cell-free supernatants and those concentrated 10 times by ultrafiltration (C-CFS), obtained at the early stationary phase of growth, induced a strong immunoprotective response, even at low doses, that was more marked for C. chauvoei strain ATCC 10092 (p ≤ 0.05). With C-CFS formulations, a clear relationship was observed between IgG titres, protective capacity and concentration of the antigen doses, indicating a specific immune response.
Besnoitia besnoiti is an obligate intracellular parasite that is transmitted by direct contact or via mechanical transmission by flies as vectors. Besnoitiosis causes economic losses in the cattle industry and is regarded as a re-emerging disease in Europe. This study evaluated the seroprevalence of B. besnoiti in Korean cattle using a commercial ELISA kit. Among 558 serum samples, 19 (3.4%) tested seropositive for B. besnoiti. The statistically significant risk factors included age (≥ 2 years), sex (castrated males), and region (lower latitudes) (P < 0.05). The overall seroprevalence suggested a wide distribution of B. besnoiti infection in cattle reared in Korea. Thus, the practice of intensive cattle husbandry and the regionally different seroprevalence of B. besnoiti infection in cattle in Korea warrant routine monitoring and vector control to reduce economical losses due to bovine besnoitiosis in the country.
Angiogenesis plays an essential role in the development of a neoplastic tumour by conditioning both its growth and the formation of metastases. The induction of blood vessel growth occurs under the influence of proangiogenic factors, among which Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) seems to be the most important. The aim of this research was to study the level of VEGF measured by ELISA in the serum of dogs with neoplasms of the oral cavity. The study material comprised samples of neoplastic tissue from 17 operated dogs and the serum of the examined animals as well as of dogs from the control group. The tissue samples were taken from dogs of different breeds, aged 6–14 years. The tumour type was determined in accordance with the applicable WHO classification. Blood samples taken from sick dogs and from animals of the control group were centrifuged, and immunoenzymatic labelling of VEGF was performed in the obtained serum using ELISA and R&D system reagents (Quantikine Canine VEGF). All stages of VEGF labelling were performed according to the recommendation of the test manufacturer. The median of VEGF in the serum of the dogs with neoplasms of the oral cavity was 40.64 pg/mL. The lowest value of 14.26 pg/mL was observed in the case of fibrosarcoma, and the highest value of 99.19 pg/mL in the case of squamous cell carcinoma. The VEGF median in the control group amounted to 11.14 pg/mL whereas the VEGF value in the groups of animals diagnosed with benign tumours ranged between 2.30 and 19.74 pg/mL. Elevated VEGF in the blood serum, in comparison with the benign tumour group and the control group, was observed in all examined neoplasms of the oral cavity. It was suggested that overexpression of VEGF can have a prognostic value and is useful in the early detection of neoplasms.
Az emberi 7-es herpeszvírus 1990 óta ismert, közeli rokonságban áll a 6-os herpeszvírussal, annak B változatával. Csak emberi sejtekben szaporodik, receptora a CD4 molekula. A fertőzött sejtek egy részében élethossziglan lappang, gyakran reaktiválódik és a nyálban tünetmentesen ürül. Gyermekek egy része 3–4 éves korára tünetmentesen fertőződik, de minden életkorban találhatók szeronegatív egyének, akik fogékonyak a fertőzés iránt. Gyermekekben ritkán exanthema subitum, múló lázas-görcsös állapotok, fiatal felnőttekben rózsahámlás, immunszuppresszált egyénekben a reaktiválódott 6-os B herpeszvírussal és cytomegalovirussal egyetemben halálos szövődmények alakulhatnak ki. Egyéb vírusokat is aktiválhat más kórképekben. A vírus patogenezisében a legfontosabb, hogy megváltozik a fertőzött lymphocytákból kiáramló citokinek és növekedési faktorok egyensúlya, amely láncreakcióként hat az immunrendszer és egyéb szervek sejtjeire. A vírusellenes antitestek kimutatása kereskedelmi forgalomban kapható készletekkel (immunfluoreszcencia, ELISA, immunoblot), a nukleinsav kimutatása fészkes polimeráz láncreakcióval lehetséges. A fertőzés következtében kialakult betegségek legtöbbje nem igényel kezelést, de súlyos szövődmények esetén ganciclovir és származékai, valamint foscarnet és cidofovir alkalmazható.
A 35 éves férfi beteget jobb oldali enyhe hemiparesis, incontinentia, prefrontális tünetek, rövid távú memóriazavar és magatartás-változás miatt kezeltük. Koponya-MR és -MR-angiográfiás vizsgálattal mindkét nucleus caudatusban és a környező fehérállományban látszott infarktusnak megfelelő jelzavar, illetve többszörös szűkület a Willis-kör erein. A liquorban emelkedett összfehérjeszint és pleiocytosis mellett intrathecalis IgG-szintézist igazoltunk. Szérum rapid plazma reagin, Treponema-ellenanyagtiter-meghatározás, Treponema pallidum ELISA, liquor venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) tesztek pozitívak voltak. Mindezek alapján meningovascularis neurosyphilist igazoltunk. 24 ME intravénás penicillin-G-vel kezeltük 14 napig; szerológiai és radiológiai javulás mutatkozott. A kétoldali prefrontális körök kapcsolatainak károsodása, stratégiai infarktusok miatt a tünettan vascularis dementiának felel meg, paralysis progressivát utánozva; a kezelést követően a kognitív tünetek is csökkentek. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 763–767.