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We investigated the effects of resistance exercise combined with essential amino acid supplementation on psoas major muscle (PMM) hypertrophy and walking ability in elderly individuals. Twenty-nine healthy elderly individuals were assigned to 3 groups: (1) E (exercise), (2) A3 (exercise combined with 3.0 g of essential amino acid supplementation), and (3) A6 (exercise combined with 6.0 g of essential amino acid supplementation). To evaluate walking ability, the participants underwent the following 3 types of tests: the (1) 10-meter walk (10-W), (2) 10-meter walk involving crossing of obstacles (10-W + O), and (3) 6-minute walk (6M-W) tests. The 6-month training program resulted in significant PMM hypertrophy in all groups independent of amino acid supplementation. The extent of hypertrophy in the participants who took amino acids was dose-dependent, although the differences were not significant. Groups A3 and A6 demonstrated improvements in the 10-W and 10-W + O tests, whereas no improvement was observed in group E, regardless of PMM hypertrophy. Furthermore, group A6 showed an improvement in the 6M-W test. These results suggest that our training program causes PMM hypertrophy, whereas the training program combined with essential amino acid supplementation improves walking ability.
The one-year study reported in this paper was carried out from April 2002 to March 2003 in domestic pigeons (Columba livia) of Bursa Province (Turkey) to determine the occurrence of helminth species and to evaluate the effect of host age, sex and season on their prevalence and intensity. A total of 100 (31 young and 69 adult) domestic pigeons were necropsied and examined. The results of necropsies revealed that 74 pigeons harboured helminth infections. Three helminth species were identified: Baruscapillaria obsignata (63%), Ascaridia columbae (42%) and Raillietina echinobothrida (1%). There were no significant differences in the prevalence of B. obsignata and A. columbae by host age and sex. Significantly the highest prevalence rate of A. columbae was observed in the autumn months, but there was no significant difference in the seasonal prevalence of B. obsignata. The mean intensity of B. obsignata and A. columbae was higher in adults than in young pigeons but it did not differ significantly between the two sexes. The highest mean intensity rate of B. obsignata was observed in the autumn, while there was no significant difference for A. columbae with regard to season. From the data obtained in this study it can be concluded that in regions with similar climatic conditions as those in the present study area, pigeon breeders should be cautioned especially of B. obsignata and A. columbae infections of adult pigeons in the autumn months.
aged 18–29 years (13.8%), 30–44 years (35.2%), 45–64 years (29.9%), and 65+ years (21.2%). Most participants were cohabiting (64.5%), were born in Australia (79.6%), and were employed (59.3%). Measures PG was assessed
Az akut otitis media a két éven aluli korcsoport egyik leggyakoribb betegsége, amelynek legfőbb bakteriális kórokozója a Streptococcus pneumoniae . A jelenleg elérhető, hét szerotípus elleni védelmet adó konjugált pneumococcusvakcina világszerte jelentős hatással van az otitis media, különösen a vakcinában megtalálható hét szerotípusba tartozó pneumococcusok okozta otitis media előfordulására. Az oltás hatékonysága az adott régióban észlelt otopatogén pneumococcus törzsek szerotípus-megoszlásától függ. A vizsgálat célja: Kétévesnél fiatalabb gyermekekben középfülgyulladást okozó S. pneumoniae törzsek szerotípusának és antibiotikum-érzékenységének meghatározása, és ezek összehasonlítása a nemzetközi adatokkal. Betegek és módszerek: 2002 és 2005 között 10 budapesti gyermekgyógyászati intézményben megjelent, 0–24 hónapos korú, otitis media acutában szenvedő gyermek dobüregi váladékából 73 S. pneumoniae törzset izoláltunk, amelyeket a Fővárosi Szent László Kórház Mikrobiológiai Laboratóriumában identifikáltuk és Quellung-reakció segítségével szerotipizáltuk. Az antibiotikum-érzékenységi vizsgálatokat a laboratórium a Magyar Mikrobiológiai Társaság által elfogadott standard módszerek alapján végezte és értékelte. Eredmények: A 73 izolált S. pneumoniae törzs 14 szerotípust reprezentált. A 14 (13,7%), a 19F (13,7%), a 6B (13,7%), a 23A (11%) és a 3 (9,6%) szerotípusok voltak a leggyakoribbak. A törzsek 63%-a tartozott a hét szerotípus ellen védelmet nyújtó konjugált vakcinában megtalálható szerotípusba. A penicillinre mérsékelten érzékeny törzsek aránya 41% volt, e törzsek 90%-a a vakcina szerotípusaiba tartozott. Penicillinrezisztenciát nem észleltünk. A leginkább rezisztens törzsek a 9V, 14, 19F szerotípusokba tartoztak. Következtetés: Az otopatogén S. pneumoniae törzsek szerotípus-megoszlása a hét szerotípus ellen védelmet adó konjugált pneumococcusvakcináció szempontjából az egyéb régiókban megismerteknek megfelel. Ennek alapján az oltás hatása az otitis media előfordulására a külföldi tanulmányokban igazoltakhoz hasonló lehet majd Magyarországon is.
also observed ( 38 ). Treatments once a week for 3 weeks postnatally with 6 mg/nursing mothers caused a significantly reduced density of thymic glucocorticoid recepors in adult age, whereas a similar treatment with 0.03 mg all- trans -retinoic acid was
The aim of our research is to examine the sociological, anthropological, and psychological aspects of attitudes towards death, respectively reviewing the various approaches as a complex system; presenting the altered death image, respectively the change tendency, analysing and interpreting the most significant anxiety generating factors according to gender, age, and occupation; validating the fear of death and attitudes towards death scales in the Hungarian population; reviewing the possibilities for interventions designed to reduce anxiety generating fear of death. According to the hypotheses of our quantitative research, women are characterised by a marked fear of death and anxiety; young people are more afraid of death; health care workers have a higher level death anxiety in comparison to other professionals due to the fact that they face the suddenness and inevitability of death on a daily basis, and this in itself is an anxiety generating factor. For the psychometric measurement of fear of death and attitudes toward death we validated, adapted and calibrated two scales measuring fear of death and attitudes towards death. According to our findings both the Neimeyer and Moore Multidimensional Fear of Death Scale and the Lester Attitude Toward Death Scale proved valid and suitable for measuring fear of death and attitudes towards death. The Hungarian version of the scales proved reliable. In accordance with our hypothesis, youth and women are characterised by higher levels of fear of death and anxiety. Our hypothesis, namely that fear of death among health care workers is higher than among the normal population, was not confirmed. Yet, contrary to a segment of preceding measurements, lower level of fear, respectively anxiety was found.
“Tell me what you really think about something you really don't want to think about”
(Hayslip and Peveto, 2005)
. 59. S. Banerjee 2011 Human stem cell therapy in ischaemic stroke: a review Age Ageing 40 7
accompanied by any finding of disease and have no provable pathological cause [ 2 ]. Although age and degenerative changes are thought to be connected with physiological calcifications; the reason is not clear [ 3 ]. The most frequent areas of ICs are the
A Magyar Genomikai Egészségtárház az egészséges hosszú élet kutatásának szolgálatában
Hungarian Genomic Data Warehouse supporting the healthy ageing research
Christensen K, Doblhammer G, Rau R, et al. Ageing populations: the challenges ahead. Lancet 2009; 374: 1196–1208. 5 Dreesen O, Stewart CL. Accelerated aging syndromes, are they