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the features of perivascular T-cells hypoplasia. Thymus lobules were reduced in size, cortex was thinned due to the loss of lymphocytes and reticular stroma collapse, hyperplasia of epithelial reticular cells was observed. The boundary between the
( Kennedy, 2005 ; Clemente et al., 2010 ). This biomolecule was demonstrated for its efficacy against oral leukoplakia ( Armstrong et al., 2013 ), prostatic hyperplasia ( Malkowicz et al., 2001 ), and colorectal cancer ( Clemente & Arques, 2014
. Stimulation of alpha-1 adrenoceptor can cause smooth muscles in the bladder neck and prostate to relax, resulting in an improvement in urine flow and reduction in symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia [ 3 ]. TAM and FIN combination results in reduction of
) gingival hyperplasia: drug induced abnormality of connective tissue. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1976, 73 , 2909–2912. Narayanan A. S. Diphenylhydantoin (dilantin) gingival
Ensinger, C., Prommegger, R., Kendler, D. és mtsai: Her2/neu expression in C-cell hyperplasia and medullary thyroid carcinomas. Anticancer Res., 2003, 23 , 2241–2243. Kendler D
hyperplasia as a source of ectopic ACTH production. Endocr. J., 2000, 47 , 487–492. Kameya T. Thymic hyperplasia as a source of ectopic ACTH production Endocr
Murthy, S. N., Hilaire, R. C., Casey, D. B., et al.: The synthetic GLP-I receptor agonist, exenatide, reduces intimal hyperplasia in insulin resistant rats. Diab. Vasc. Dis. Res., 2010, 7 , 138–144. Casey D. B
Introduction Mammary gland hyperplasia (MGH), also known as hyperplastic breast disease, is a lesion of the ducts and lobules of the breast. patients with MGH can experience breast pain with the formation of breast lumps [ 1 ]. As a common disease
A gyermekkori játéktevékenységre való visszaemlékezés és a felnőttkori félelmek kapcsolata: játék zárt helyen és a szabadban
Adulthood fears and childhood play type preference: indoor and outdoor
. ( 2003 ). Prenatal androgenes and gender type behavior: a study of girls with middle and severe forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia . Developmental Psychology , 39 ( 3 ), 440 – 450
A haemophagocytás lymphohistiocytosis jellemzőinek, diagnosztikájának és kezelési lehetőségeinek áttekintése egy T-sejtes lymphomás beteg bemutatása kapcsán
Overview of the characteristics, diagnosis and treatment options of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in a patient with T-cell lymphoma
fatális kimenetelű Covid infekció miatt nem jöhetett létre. 1. ábra. A beteg csontvelő biopsziájának szövettani képei Kép: Csontvelő biopszia – A. Hyperplasiás csontvelőszövet (H&E, x20). B. T-sejtes LGL leukemia interstitialis, részben intrasinusoidalis