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author (Sangwal 2012 ) used the concept of citation acceleration a to compare the publication output of different authors and interpret the meaning of an age-independent index proposed previously by Burrell ( 2007c ), Kosmulski ( 2009 ) and Abt ( 2011
Introduction Defining bibliometric impact measures, which allow cross-field normalization without being influenced by the different propensity to cite, is an age-old problem still much debated (Garfield 1979a ). Many
nature or science are highly correlated. Baffes and Vamvakidis ( 2011 ) finds that the Nobel Committee does not favor older nominees and that, if anything, it seems to partially offset the age premium introduced by the nominators. Bui-Mansfield and
cited in data sources, could be employed as an indicator to reveal the document's potential. Citation half-life, was used to show the paper's degree of aging. Here we put the indicator to patent's degree of aging. When the value was high, it meant the
among young researchers expressed itself in a fall in the annual publications growth rate in the latter half of the 90s, up until the twenty-first century. The lack of a ‘home’ for the study of Hebrew printing is reflected in the age of the researchers
) proposed an analysis of the career of scientists based on their h -sequence, while Glänzel and Zhang ( 2010 ) recently studied one scientist's output by the mean age of publication of the h -core sequence, to see whether—among the “top” papers—the more
category focused on feminism and women's studies, but also included items focusing on child/youth issues and aging among other topics As shown in Table 5 , four secondary classes occur across all three top ten
of materials and the NST in terms of age, development, industrial importance. Theoretical background This section contains a reasoned selection of the past literature addressing the theme of the relations between patenting
. Liang , LM , Guo , YZ , Davis , M 2002 Collaborative patterns and age structures in Chinese publications . Scientometrics 54 3 473 – 489 10.1023/A:1016042718548 . Liang , LM , Kretschmer , H
applicability of citations in the analysis of scientific quality. Of four classes of problems Seglen discussed, “the greatest impediment” is field effects such as the mean number of references and article age in the field. Variation of mean citations per article