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cell infiltration; thickening of the alveolar septa was observed. The lumen of the bronchioli contained groups of desquamated epithelial cells. In some areas, hyperplasia of the epithelium was also diagnosed (Figure 3 ). The pulmonary lesions were
Hungary and the longest-spanning study of its kind overall. The main indications for the suprapubic aspiration method included urinary retention (e.g., due to hyperplasia or tumours of the prostate, gynaecological malignancies, or spinal cord injuries) and
–2922. 49 Capellino S, Montagna P, Villaggio B, et al. Hydroxylated estrogen metabolites influence the proliferation of cultured human monocytes: possible role in synovial tissue hyperplasia. Clin Exp
include follicular hyperplasia and sinus hyperplasia [ 4 ]. Tonsillitis is mainly characterized by tonsillar swelling and pain with its complication including peritonsillar, parapharyngeal or retropharyngeal abscesses [ 5 ]. Pudilan preparation is composed
lymphoid hyperplasia: byproducts of the germinal centre reaction or indicators of lymphoma? Hematol. Oncol., 2011, 29 , 81–90. Sun X-L. Cytogenetic abnormalities in reactive lymphoid
Kupffer cell granuloma ( Fig. 2e ). In the immune organs (thymus, caecal tonsils, spleen and bursa), there was severe lymphocytic depletion. Additionally, thymic lobular atrophy with reduction of cortical width and hyperplasia of the reticular cells were
Az unilateralis videoasszisztált torakoszkópos thymomaeltávolítás javallata, korai és középtávú eredményei
Unilateral video-assisted thoracoscopic thymoma resection – Indications, early and mid-term results
kemo-radioterápiában részesült, majd a kiújulás után kétszer reoperáció és sugárkezelés következett. A csak thymomás betegeknél a tumor mellett eltávolított thymusszövet jelentősége abban lehet, hogy aktív (antitesteket termelő hyperplasiás vagy
male infertility using an exploratory multivariate approach. Age is known to be associated with changes in the testicular parenchyma, which contribute to the elasticity of the testis, as well as increased tubular sclerosis, Leydig-cell hyperplasia and
female Maltese terrier weighing 8 kg was presented to the clinic with multiple palpable masses (3 cm primary mass) that had been recognized a year ago. No abnormality was detected in clinical examinations except for unilateral lymph node hyperplasia. Case
Laminectomy (neurology) 64 16 Benign prostatic hyperplasia 64 17 UDT 63