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Networking , 16 ( 6 ), 423 – 427 . 10.1089/cyber.2012.0384 Rizzo , A. A. , Lange , B. , Suma , E. A. , & Bolas , M. ( 2011 ). Virtual reality and interactive digital game technology: New tools to address obesity and diabetes . Journal of Diabetes
social research, two types of measures are typically used to assess technology use, namely self-rated frequency estimates of technology use and self-rated experiences with regard to technology use ( Ellis, Davidson, Shaw, & Geyer, 2019 ). Importantly
). Both the introduction and several articles cover several technologies that archeologists have developed in recent years to recover residues of plants from artifacts and to identify the psychoactive substances they contain. These include not only
technology use and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, anxiety, and depression. Age appeared to be inversely related to the addictive use of technologies. Furthermore, being female was significantly associated with
gambling problem development and pedagogical research that suggests explanations of misconceptions also plays a didactic role and may improve this learning process; and (d) technology can help promote a deeper understanding of complex gambling mathematics
Guinea M L Markus 2009 Why break the habit of a lifetime? Rethinking the roles of intention, habit, and emotion in continuing information technology use
) offers tantalizing promises of what may be seen as miracle cures for their immediate results and effectiveness. As new technologies expand our understandings of the effects of these substances, we are entering a new epoch of understanding the
Work addiction: An organizational behavior as well as an addictive behavior?
Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
published since 2000 ( Bujalski, Hellman, Moskalewicz, Beccaria, & Rolando, 2018 ). It is also noteworthy that work addiction is a somewhat changing phenomenon. Change happens for three reasons: culture, technology, and science. Work addiction can
Playing the wrong game again? Policy responses to problematic video gaming in Brazil
Commentary on: Policy responses to problematic video game use: A systematic review of current measures and future possibilities (Király et al., 2018)
one of the areas of interest is technology use and addiction ( Salum et al., 2015 ). This issue has also been widely discussed in most meetings and congresses of psychiatry and psychology in recent years, and has gradually been incorporated into the
( Lind et al., 2012 ; Lang et al., 2020 ). With the advances in RNA sequencing technologies, whole-transcriptome analysis for psychiatric disorders, including drug addictions, has become popular ( Huggett & Stallings, 2020 ; Navandar et al., 2021