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biomass and the relationship with soil texture and organic matter . Soil Biol Biochem 1992 24 : 675 – 683 10.1016/0038-0717(92)90046-Z . 7. Martens , R . Current methods for measuring

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0.2 O 2 catalysts are prepared by a simple, one-step surfactant-assisted method of nanoparticle assembly. The textural and structural properties of CuO/Ti 0.8 Ce 0.2 O 2 catalysts are characterized by XRD, TGA, BET, XPS and H 2 -TPR. The effect of

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Agrokémia és Talajtan
G. Gelybó
E. Tóth
C. Farkas
Á. Horel
I. Kása
, and
Z. Bakacsi

. Assessing the soil texture-specific sensitivity of simulated soil moisture to projected climate change by SVAT modelling . Geoderma . 185-186 . 73 – 83 . Bray

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. 33. 275–280. Wear , J. I. & Patterson , R. M., 1962. Effect of soil pH and texture on the availability of water-soluble boron in the soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 26. 543–546.

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Agrokémia és Talajtan
Tibor Szili-Kovács
Ágnes Zsuposné Oláh
János Kátai
Ilona Villányi
, and
Tünde Takács

relationship with soil texture and organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 24. 675–683. Kandeler , E. & Gerber , H., 1988. Short-term assay of soil urease activity using colorimetric determination of

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Béla Julesz (1928–2003), known for his work in depth perception and pattern recognition, was an inspirational master to a whole generation of neuroscientists. He developed new techniques (involving computer-generated random-dot stereograms, cinematograms, and textures) that led to a new field of perceptual research called “early vision”. Julesz often emphasized the importance of “scientific bilingualism__

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Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
V. Balek
V. Zeleňák
T. Mitsuhashi
S. Bakardjieva
J. Šubrt
, and
H. Haneda


Results of emanation thermal analysis (ETA) characterizing microstructure changes of SiC based materials during heat treatment in argon are demonstrated. This method made it possible to reveal fine changes of the texture of SiC nano-sized powders, SiC micro-sized powders and SiC whiskers under in situconditions of the heating. ETA curves can serve as fingerprints of the respective samples.

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Pt/MCM, Pt/SiO2, Pd/MCM and Pd/SiO2 were prepared and characterized by H2-TPR, TEM, 29Si-CP-MAS-NMR, DRS-UV-Vis and tested in the hydrodechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane. Differences in the catalytic behavior were related with textural properties.

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The paper describes the technique of nematode cysts extracted from soil samples used at the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia. The efficiency of the procedure described was tested, and the AIS modified method for separation of nematode cysts from organic debris was compared with acetone and ethanol flotation method. The average recovery of cysts from soil samples of different soil texture was 91 ± 3%.

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Szélerózió okozta talaj-, humusz- és tápanyag-áthalmozás különbségeinek feltárása különböző szerkezeti adottságú csernozjom talajokon terepi szélcsatorna kísérletek alapján

Exploring the differences in soil, humus and nutrient accumulation caused by wind erosion on chernozem soils with different structural properties by field wind tunnel experiments

Agrokémia és Talajtan
Andrea Farsang
Károly Barta
József Szatmári
, and
Máté Bartus

Erosion On Surface Soil Texture And Characteristics Of Windblown Sediments . Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences . 2009. 114 . G02003 . Larney , F. J ., Bullock , M. S ., Janzen , H. H ., Ellert , B. H ., Olson , E. C. S . , 1998

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