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. 2001 25 407 410 Mundle, G., Ackerman, K., Munkes, J. és mtsa: Influence of age, alcohol consumption and
/CAEV infections according to the age, breed and location in the Aegean region, where the small ruminant population is significant. Materials and methods Field material Sampling for determination of the seroprevalence of SRLV was carried out according to a multi
Aging is one of the properties of scientific and technical literature. The knowledge of the laws of aging is very important in the science of science, information science and library science. Methodological errors in studying the aging process cause wrong results. By means of non-traditional processing of well-known empiric data the author refutes such generally accepted ideas as the idea of very rapid aging of literature, the idea of more rapid aging of publications on rapidly developing fields of knowledge, the idea of the maximum of book use being only in a few years after its publication, and some other ideas.
Thermal investigation has allowed us to show the changes undergone by a sort of nitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) as a consequence ofγ-radiation-induced ageing. The parameters of the processes, which occur at progressive heating of the investigated samples, were determined. It was shown that for γ-irradiated samples the activation parameters corresponding to the thermo-oxidative process leading to solid products are correlated through the relation of compensation effect. Also, it was shown that, by γ-irradiation, NBR undergoes a relatively rapid change of its thermal behaviour which can be due to structural changes.
(XI-VIIIth BC): Implications for the community organisation. In: Marinis, de R.-Bietti Sestieri, A. M.-Peroni, R.-Peratto, C. (eds): The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean. Forlí, 351–364. Turk P
and subjects studied An age- and gender-matched case-control survey of 45 patients who had multiple sclerosis attended in two public hospitals in Durango City, Mexico and 225 subjects without multiple sclerosis from the general population of the same
Introduction Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive disease that may be associated with blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field [ 1 ]. Macular degeneration causes the macula to lose its natural
In his correspondence Rousseau’s unfolding of character shows him to be a brilliant polemicist when pushed against the wall by religious fanaticism. That brilliance manifests itself in the sharpness of his argument, the clarity of his images and the combative vocabulary which he can summon effortlessly. On the religious issue his letters are full of sarcasm, indignation and regret. This is the outcome of his encounter with theodium theologicum, that non-filterable virus which forced him to uproot himself frequently and traverse the map of Europe seeing respite and asylum. The letters contain relatively little on the substantive issues raised in theological discourse; they reflect Rousseau’s response to the unfortunate result of that discourse as they were concretized in his own life through persecution and ostracism. It is not surprising, therefore that the letters are a kind of sermon in which Rousseau calls for an ecumenical approach to religion in which, as he put it in theLettre de la Montagne, where there can be “de grands changements dans les coeurs, des conversions sans clat, de la foi sans dispute, du zle sans fanatisme, de la raison sans impit”.