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A healthy Hungarian society in 2025: Vision or possible reality?
Inexpensive preventive action plans, instead of a costly reorganization of public health services, for shaping health-conscious, future-oriented thinking
Information Age . London: Sage. Stehr N. The Fragility of Modern Societies: Knowledge and Risk in the Information Age 2000
Dolenc et al. (2012) was based on microdata and employed regression analysis and different tools of survival analysis. The results indicated that the likelihood of persisting in unemployment increases with age, with a greater number of years of service
the phenomenon of rent-seeking ( Cerina – Deidda 2017 ). An analysis of data concerning Italian MPs shows the existence of systematic differences between MPs of various parties. The differences pertain to sex, age, profession, salaries and many other
Age: Western Windows Eastern Doors . New Delhi: New Age International Publishers. Sharma S. Management in New Age: Western Windows Eastern Doors
. Jorgenson , D. ( 2005 ): Accounting for Growth in the Information Age . In: Aghion , P. – Durlauf , S. (eds): Handbook of Economic Growth . Amsterdam : North Holland , 1A, pp. 743 – 815
2010 Wang, H. - Hanna, S.D. (1997): Does Risk Tolerance with Age. Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education , 8(2): 27
( 1956 ): Hobsbawm , E. ( 1962 ): The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789 – 1948 . New York : Vintage Books
. – Villarino , M. – Herrera , L. ( 2006 ): Políticas públicas, turismo rural y sostenibilidad: Difícil equilibrio . Boletín A.G.E. 41 : 199 – 217 . Chern , M.-S. – Pan , Q. – Teng
people (age between 15 and 35 years) and 28.7% among adults (age between 35 and 64 years) ( McLaren 2014 ). In the interviewer-administered survey, the interviewer did not discuss the questions or their meanings with the respondents. Ethical clearance was
Bonabeau, E. (2004): The Perils of the Imitation Age. Harvard Business Review , 82(6): 99–104. Bonabeau E. The Perils of the Imitation Age Harvard Business