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MLI [ 45 ] 0.2 s 1.8 s 2 s Hybrid Bidirectional Multilevel Inverter Structure 0.185 s 1.094 s 1.5 s 4 Conclusion In this manuscript two novel hybrid bidirectional MLI configurations are proposed. The simulated results are obtained for 21L and 27L for

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On the original binding of the Dante Manuscript (Cod. Ital. 1) kept in the University Library. An unpublished note by Imre Henszlmann. The Dante Manuscript, which currently is to be found in the possession of the Library of the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest with the label Cod. Ital. 1. (La Divina Commedia) has been brought there in 1877, when Sultan II. Abdulhamid sent back 35 ancient manuscripts to Hungary. All of them were in uniformly bound in leather, in the style of the Turkish trend of the era. These codexes have been studied in 1862 by Ipolyi Arnold and Henszlmann Imre in Istambul, in their original binding. We know many of them from the notes – taken in situ and published only in 2006 – of Ipolyi, but the original leather binding of the Dante-codex is known to us only from the sketch of Henszlmann published here for the first time.

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Research manuscripts face various time lags from initial submission to final publication in a scientific periodical. Three publishing models compete for the market. Professional publishing houses publish in print and/or online in a “reader-pays” model, or follow the open access model of “author-pays”, while a number of periodicals are bound to learned societies. The present study aims to compare the three business models of publishing, with regards to publication speed. 28 topically similar biomedical journals were compared. Open access journals have a publication lag comparable to journals published by traditional publishers. Manuscript submitted to and accepted in either of these two types of periodicals are available to the reader much faster than manuscripts published in journals with strong ties to specialized learned societies.

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manuscripts, mosaics, sculptures, and stained glass windows. Figure  7 shows a map of the major churches and sacred sites (Eleusis in Greece) that we visited. What follows is a brief description of our major findings illustrated by original photographs of

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A short description of a buffonesque performance is contained in a manuscript (Fol. Lat. 3606/III) of the National Library of Hungary, formerly owned by Miklós Istvánffy, a Hungarian statesman and poet of the late 16th century. The study identifies the performer as Giovanni Tabarino, an actor of commedia dell’arte at the court of Emperor Maximilian II, and situates it in the context of contemporary comic performances. The text itself and a parallel passage from a manuscript poem of Johannes Stabius a Dubnice are included in the appendix.

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The aim of this work is to examine the church-book language layer in the manuscript “Vygoleksinskij Sbornik” (Collection) which was copied in Old Russian language area at the end of the 12th century. I was mainly searching how this church-book language layer must have been formed, and which relation it had to the Old Russian and the Old Slavic linguistic layers. I have found that the church-book language layer in the targeted manuscript was so important that even the language of the codex may be called Russian Church Slavic language rather than Russian redaction of the Old Slavic language.

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The aim of this article is to examine the use of infinitives in Sinai Paterikon, a manuscript which was copied from an Old Slavic manuscript in the Old Russian language area in the 11th and 12th centuries. The author mainly concentrates on the use of infinitives 1) in compounds with auxiliaries, 2) as various parts of the sentence, and 3) in the syntactic construction “dativus cum infinitivo”, which was used for shortening various clauses. Besides, the author also studies other constructions with infinitives such as “accusativus cum infinitivo” and “nominativus cum infinitivo”.

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Studies of representative samples of submissions to scientific journals show statistically significant associations between referees' recommendations. These associations are moderately large given the multidimensional and unstable character of scientists' evaluations of papers, and composites of referees' recommendations can significantly aid editors in selecting manuscripts for publication, especially when there is great variability in the quality of submissions and acceptance rates are low. Assessments of the value of peer-review procedures in journal manuscript evaluation should take into account features of the entire scholarly communications system present in a field.

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Studia Slavica
Людмила В. Братухина
Александр Ю. Братухин

Новагω Завѣта . Тисне- нiе 2-е. Санкт-Петербургъ , 1900 . Евангелие от Иоанна в славянской традиции . Издание подготовили А. А. Алексеев, А. А. Пичхадзе, М. Б. Бабицкая и др. Санкт-Петербург , 1998 . Зографское Евангелие .

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. Klemensiewicz Z ., Lehr-SpławińSki T ., UrbańCzyk S . Gramatyka histo-ryczna języka polskiego . Warszawa , 1965 . Lunt H. G . The Orthography of Eleventh-Century Russian Manuscripts . Ann Arbor , 1950 . Schachmatov A . Beiträge zur russischen

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