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Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Hyeonseok Jeong
Jin Kyoung Oh
Eun Kyoung Choi
Jooyeon Jamie Im
Sujung Yoon
Helena Knotkova
Marom Bikson
In-Uk Song
Sang Hoon Lee
, and
Yong-An Chung

investigate whether addiction symptoms and time spent on games would decrease after tDCS. The secondary objective was to examine changes in self-control and motivation, both of which are associated with online game addiction ( Kim et al., 2016 ) and may be

Open access

upward spiral [ 62 ], supported by self-rewarding experiences. The link between positive emotions and behavioural changes is most likely mediated by brain structures receiving VTA direct projections, playing crucial roles in both reward and motivation

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Małgorzata Draps
Guillaume Sescousse
Mateusz Wilk
Katarzyna Obarska
Izabela Szumska
Weronika Żukrowska
Aleksandra Majkowska
Ewelina Kowalewska
Julia Szymanowska
Urszula Hamerska
Magda Trybuś
Karolina Golec
Iwona Adamska
Karol Szymczak
, and
Mateusz Gola

Positive Valence Systems - stronger motivation to receive erotic rewards in CSBD individuals ( Gola

Open access

), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), motivational interviewing techniques, and mindfulness-based approaches may be efficient in the treatment of CSBD and PPU. However, the evidence is mostly based on case reports and uncontrolled studies ( Dhuffar

Open access

Bentlakó labdarúgó-korosztályok pszichés-mentális jellemzői

Psychological and mental characteristics of young football players living in dorms

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Zoltán Kiss
Barbara Fózer-Selmeci
István Csáki
, and
József Bognár

Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 9, 353—357. 3 Bognár, J., Géczi, G., Vincze, G., & Szabó, A. (2009). Coping skills, motivational profiles, and perceived motivational climate in young elite

Restricted access

to the multiple motivational approaches, but they suffered from methodological limitations in their scale validation, as summarized in Table  1 . Table 1. Summary of measurement

Open access

Commentary on: Are we overpathologizing everyday life? A tenable blueprint for behavioral addiction research

Can the emerging domain of behavioral addictions bring a new reflection for the field of addictions, by stressing the issue of the context of addiction development?

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Philippe de Timary
Pierre Philippot


This paper is a commentary to the article entitled: “Are we overpathologizing everyday life? A tenable blueprint for behavioral addiction research”, by Billieux, Schimmenti, Khazaal, Maurage and Heeren (2015).

Methods and Aims

In this manuscript, we commented on two aspects developed by the authors. Billieux et al. (2015) propose that the recent development of propositions of behavioral addiction is driven by an unwise application of an addiction model to excessive behaviors and rests on a confirmatory research strategy that does not question the psychological processes underlying the development of the conduct. They also show that applying a process driven strategy leads to a more appropriate description of the reality of the behavior and conduct, in particular by describing a variety of motivations for the excessive behavior, which is central to understanding the nature of the conduct. We believe that this new approach, which is fruitful to the emerging domain of behavioral addictions, could also apply to the domain of addictions in general. The latter is characterized by the application of a generic biological model, largely influenced by animal models, focusing on neurophysiological determinants of addiction. This approach may have decreased the attention paid to dimensions of addictions that are more specifically human. We will firstly briefly argue on the limitation of this neurophysiological addiction model for the field of excessive behavioral conducts. Secondly, we will argue for an approach centered on the differentiation of motivations and on the adaptive dimension of the behavior when it first developed and on the evocation of a transition where the conduct became independent of its original function.


The emerging domain of behavioral addictions, where no animal model has been developed so far, may bring a new reflection that may apply to the domain of addictions in general, with a specific attention to human questions.

Open access


Az amputációt követő rehabilitáció hatékonysága, a protézis beválása jelentős mértékben függ az egyén pszichológiai alkalmazkodásától. A végtag amputációja komoly veszteségélmény, amely számos pszichés problémát hívhat elő. Gyakoriak a depresszív és a szorongásos tünetek, nehézségek a szociális helyzetekben (függőség másoktól, diszkomfortérzés, elszigetelődés, stigmatizáció), a testkép, énkép, identitás negatív irányú változása, valamint alacsonyabb színvonalú jóllét és életminőség a korábbi életvitelhez viszonyítva. Az alkalmazkodás folyamata során a betegeknek meg kell küzdenie a felmerülő testi és lelki problémákkal, újratanulni mindennapi aktivitásaik kivitelezését, elfogadni a testképükben bekövetkezett alterációkat és mindezt beépíteni egy merőben új szelfkoncepcióba. Az összefoglaló tanulmány végtagamputált egyének rehabilitációja során fellépő pszichológiai tényezők számbavétele mellett javaslatot kínál a sikeres integratív szemléletű rehabilitációhoz. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(39), 1563–1568.

Restricted access

Background and aims

Problematic Internet use and excessive alcohol consumption have been associated with a host of maladaptive outcomes. Further, low (blunted) cardiovascular and stress hormone (e.g. cortisol) reactions to acute psychological stress are a feature of individuals with a range of adverse health and behavioural characteristics, including dependencies such as tobacco and alcohol addiction. The present study extended this research by examining whether behavioural dependencies, namely problematic Internet use, excessive alcohol consumption, and their comorbidity would also be associated with blunted stress reactivity


A large sample of university students (N = 2313) were screened using Internet and alcohol dependency questionnaires to select four groups for laboratory testing: comorbid Internet and alcohol dependence (N = 17), Internet dependence (N = 17), alcohol dependence (N = 28), and non-dependent controls (N = 26). Cardiovascular activity and salivary cortisol were measured at rest and in response to a psychological stress protocol comprising of mental arithmetic and public speaking tasks.


Neither problematic Internet behaviour nor excessive alcohol consumption, either individually or in combination, were associated with blunted cardiovascular or cortisol stress reactions.


It is possible that problematic Internet behaviour and excessive alcohol consumption in a student population were not related to physiological reactivity as they may not reflect ingrained addictions but rather an impulse control disorder and binging tendency.


The present results serve to indicate some of the limits of the developing hypothesis that blunted stress reactivity is a peripheral marker of the central motivational dysregulation in the brain underpinning a wide range of health and behavioural problems.

Open access

A betegek oktatásának fontos szerepe van a betegségek prevenciójában és terápiájában. Az oktatás lehetővé teszi a szükséges információk átadását, a készségek fejlesztését, valamint a megfelelő motivációk kialakítását, a betegséggel való megküzdés támogatását. Bár számos információforrás rendelkezésre áll, továbbra is szükség van szervezett betegoktatásra. A személyre szabott betegoktatás hatékonyabbnak bizonyult, mint az általános oktatóanyagok használata. Az információtechnológia megfelelő alkalmazása lehetővé teszi a személyre szabott oktatás széles körű, költséghatékony megvalósítását. A szerzők megvizsgálják, hogy egy ilyen rendszer kialakításához milyen komponensekre van szükség. Orv. Hetil., 2013, 154, 403–408.

Open access