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training may help improve participation for individuals with a lack of time ( 18 ), providing a sort of “strength snack” ( 10 ). Acknowledgements The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or
mapped to the human genome reference sequence (UCSC hg19) without unordered sequences or alternate haplotypes using a Burrow-Wheeler Aligner (BWA, version 0.5.9rc1; Li & Durbin, 2009 ). The raw alignment was sorted, and PCR 196 duplicates were removed by
assignment First, participants were asked if they had engaged in any sort of gambling behavior in the past 12 months. Those who reported none skipped any following gambling-related questions of the SERV and were classified as non-gamblers (NG) in
Most gamblers had experienced some sort of financial problems, which either directly or indirectly affected their families as well. These varied from short-term problems, such as having insufficient money to pay rent or meet household expenditures, and
greater variety in peripheral physiological and electroencephal recordings. Therefore, we sorted our cue-reactivity measures according to the following three outcome measures: (a) subjective measures, (b) peripheral physiological and electroencephal
.032 –0.934 0.941 0.971 1.002 Note. Variables sorted according to beta weight association with RD. SE: standard error
provided to clinicians to deliver the program refers to any sort of instruction, skill building, information, or training provided prior to commencing service delivery. Manual Treatment