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Hanaoka Seishu (1760–1835) és a világ első, általános érzéstelenítésben végzett emlőeltávolítása Japánban, 1804-ben
Seishu Hanaoka (1760–1835) and the first mastectomy performed under general anesthesia in Japan, in 1804
.html [accessed: April 27, 2024]. [Japanese] 23 Ayres RU. The history and future of technology. Can technology save humanity from extinction
2007 Institute of medicine: Assessing medical technologies. Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 1985
, WIT transactions on information and communication technologies (Vol. 31 ). Southampton : WIT Press . Davis , R. A. ( 2001 ). A cognitive-behavioral model of
Baromfi-immunglobulinok lehetséges alkalmazásai a mikotoxin-környezetterhelések és a humánérintettség fókuszában
Possible applications of poultry immunoglobulins focusing on mycotoxin environmental loads and human influence
References 1 Yakhkeshi S, Wu R, Chelliappan B, et al. Trends in industrialization and commercialization of IgY technology. Front Immunol. 2022; 13
Környezetből származó mikrobiális nukleinsavminták vizsgálati lehetőségei
Examination possibilities of microbial nucleic acid samples derived from the environment
metagenomics: from microbiology to DNA sequencing technologies and bioinformatics. Front Genet. 2015; 6: 348. 8 Jeong J, Mun S, Oh Y, et al. A qRT-PCR method capable of
graft rejection and mortality compared to transplantation of other organs [ 2 , 3 ]. Expectations are high for novel regenerative medicine involving autologous small intestine. One form of technology that has recently attracted attention is intestinal
Ciszteamintartalmú szemcsepp alkalmazása cystinosisban
Ocular treatment of cystinosis with eye drop containing cysteamine
and children from two years of age with cystinosis. In: Clinical Review Report. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, Ottawa, 2019. 17
Achalasia miatt végzett robotasszisztált laparoszkópos cardiomyotomia és fundoplicatio (Heller–Dor-műtét)
Robotic-assisted laparoscopic Heller–Dor’s cardiomyotomy and fundoplication for achalasia
–2557. 17 Intuitive. Pairing human ingenuity with technology. Available from: [accessed: Jan 15, 2023
SpyGlass-kolangioszkópia – első tapasztalatok
SpyGlass cholangioscopy – first experiences
role of frequency-doubled double-pulsed yttrium aluminum garnet laser technology for removing difficult bile duct stones (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc. 2009; 70: 684–689.
A preimplantációs genetikai tesztelés 30 éve
Thirty years of preimplantation genetic testing
: 648. 14 Li J, Liu Y, Qian Y, et al. Noninvasive preimplantation genetic testing in assisted reproductive technology: current state and future