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, 40 ( 3 ), 145 – 156 . . Al-Saggaf , Y. , MacCulloch , R. , & Wiener , K. ( 2018 ). Trait boredom is a predictor of phubbing frequency . Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science , 4 , 245 – 252
athletes . Rappler . Retrieved April 8, 2019, from Chung , T
. Leshner , A. ( 2001 ). Addiction is a brain disease: Issues online in science and technology . Retrieved August 1, 2008, from University of Texas at Dallas, National Academy of Sciences web site:
, 2019 ; Khan & Awan, 2017 ; Khan & Gadhoum, 2018 ; Nafee, Mohammed, & Al-Hamdan, 2018 ; Taha, Shehzad, Alamro, & Wadi, 2019 ) The considerable wealth and access to advanced technology contribute to such high estimates. Additionally, variation in the
A társas helyzetben tapasztalt flow-élmény kapcsolata az élettel való elégedettséggel és a pszichológiai jólléttel, fiatal felnőtteknél
Experiencing flow in social activities and its relationship with satisfaction with life and psychological wellbeing, in the sample of young adults
. Chen , H. , Wigand , R.T. , & Nilan , M. ( 2000 ). Exploring Web users' optimal flow experiences . Information Technology & People , 13 ( 4 ), 263 – 281 . Collins , A
A Szülői Bevonódás a Sportban Kérdőív hazai adaptációja
Hungarian adaptation of Parental Involvement in Sport Questionnaire
M.R. Weiss (Ed.), Developmental sport and exercise psychology: A lifespan perspective (507-527) . Morgantown : Fitness Information Technology .
constitute local technologies of the body ( Fotiou, 2019 ), there is little scientific investigation to illuminate the mechanisms of acquiring knowledge and healing and communicating with plant entities. When it comes to healing, the notion that a
Introduction Problematic use of mobile information and communication technologies (ICTs) that directly lead to significant and persistent functional impairments and distress may constitute behavioral addiction ( Kardefelt
are more addicted to Facebook will experience higher level of state anxiety without Facebook due to dependence on the technologies. Park and Choi ( 2015 ) found that compared with people in the low addiction or normal group, those with higher
. ( 2020 ). Dizi İzleme Nedenleri Ölçeği ile Problemli Dizi İzleme ve Belirtileri Ölçeği’nin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması . Online Journal of Technology Addiction and Cyberbullying , 7 ( 2 ), 1 – 31 . Flayelle , M. , Canale , N. , Vögele , C