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The Archaeology of Power in Lombard Female Burials in Central-Northern Italy. •
Marriage, Integration, Grave Goods and Status Symbols
primary indicator of Germanic iconography and production. Besides brooches, the grave goods include jewellery and other lavish gifts (an iron folding stool [ sellae plicatilis ] with damascened decoration, bronze vessels and glass drinking horns), which
frequent motifs of South America iconography in relationship to fungiforms and conventional representations of mushrooms, making the argument that abstract mushroom representations are far more widespread than apparent
„Készíts amulettet, írd rá ezt a ráolvasást, majd akaszd a nyakába!”
Ráolvasásokat hordozó agyaghengeres amulettek, az orvosi-mágikus világ eszközei
– Kultureller Austausch, wirtschaftliche Beziehungen und transnationale Entwicklungen in der antiken Welt . Hrsg. J. Gobel – T. Zech. München (2011) 437–456; E. Götting: Lamashtu. In: Iconography of Deities and Demons in the Ancient Near East . Eds. J. Eggler
, and the Iconography of Beginnings . Pantheon , 7 : 37 – 58 . Peels-Matthey , S. ( 2021 ). Polytheism as language: A linguistic approach to Greek polytheism . In: Galoppin , Th. – Bonnet , C. (eds.), Divine names on the spot. Towards a
by a Frank. 151 The contrast with the triumphant iconography of the Early Empire is blatant when two Germanic captives in chains were displayed on a column base 152 and horsemen riding down a barbarian lying on the ground was a popular motif on
1988, 229–232. 258. Rec. MOON: Ancient Greek Art and Iconography. ActaArchHung 39 (1987) 367–368. 259. Rec. MATTHÄUS: Prähistorische Bronzefunde II.8. ActaArchHung 40 (1988) 326–327. 260. Rec. KILIAN--DIRLMEIER: Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIII.8
. and Alwis , A. ( 2010 ). The role of late antique art in early Christian worship: a reconsideration of the iconography of the ‘starry sky’ in the ‘Mausoleum’ of Galla Placidia . Papers of the British School at Rome , 78 : 193–217 and 352
[Catechesis, Poetry and Iconography in the 4th Century] . Literatura patriastica 2 . Budapest : Jel kiadó . Vida , T. 2017 : Die frühbyzantinische Messingkanne mit Jagdszenen von Budakalász (Ungarn) . Budapest : MTA BTK Régészeti Intézet . Wartburg
sanctity: The iconography, magic, and ritual of Egyptian incense . Studia Antiqua, 7 ( 1 ). Retrieved from Woolley , C
), art history (iconography, iconology), church history (textual analysis), ethnobotany (cultural uses of mushrooms), mycology (fungus identification), and theology (exegesis). The Committee would establish criteria for peer-review evaluation of