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knowledge, there are no studies that analyze the combined effects of atorvastatin and cilostazol on vascular smooth muscle reactivity. Maturation and senescence are physiological process. The effects of biological age on the responsiveness of the

Open access
Physiology International
Shota Inoue
Kyohei Matsuura
Daisuke Eguchi
Masahiro Wakayama
Kosuke Ono
Hanlin Jiang
, and
Hideki Moriyama

sciences . Behav Res Methods 2007 ; 39 ( 2 ): 175 – 191 . . 17695343 18. Chen C , Zhou M , Ge Y , Wang X . SIRT1 and aging related signaling pathways . Mech Ageing Dev 2020 ; 187 : 111215 . https

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beginning of the 2000s, malnutrition globally could be held responsible for almost one third of the mortality of children less than 5 years of age; furthermore, 60 million children were modestly and 13 million children were severely undernourished worldwide

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Relationships between age and scholarly impact were assessed by determining the number of times single-author articles (N=227) published inPsychological Review between 1965 and 1980 were cited in the fifth year following publication. There were substantial individual differences in citation rates, but this measure of scholarly impact did not correlate with either the chronological age of authors or their professional age (years since PhD award). Although the majority of articles inPsychological Review were published by authors under the age of 40, such a bias is to be expected in terms of the age distribution of American psychologists. When allowance was made for the number of authors in different age ranges, older authors were no less likely than younger authors to have generated a high-impact article (an article cited 10 or more times in the fifth year after publication). The data offer no support to claims that publications by young scientists have greater impact.

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McGwin, G., Owsley, C., Curcio, C. A. és mtsai: The association between statin use and age related maculopathy. Br. J. Ophthalmol., 2003, 87 , 1121–1125. Curcio C. A. The

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Physical aging of polyetherimide (PEI) was studied using a bellows dilatometer based on Zoller's design. A linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is used to measure the displacement of the bellows. The voltage output of the LVDT is interfaced to a computer for automated data collection. Isothermal aging experiments were carried out at temperatures near the glass temperature (206–209 ‡C) using a constant temperature oil bath maintained at the desired aging temperature. The time required to reach equilibrium and the reduced curve produced by aging time-temperature superposition are given. The results compare well with data obtained by capillary dilatometry for the same material.

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This paper analyzes the relationship between age and productivity for Nobel prize winners in science during the period 1901–1992. The relationship found is field dependent as well as dependent upon the definition used to measure the age at which the ward-winning work was done. The results suggest that although it does not require extraordinary youth to do prizewinning work, the odds decrease markedly in mid-life and fall off precipitously after age 50, particularly in chemistry and physics. The discussion underscores the problem of drawing conclusions about the age structure of research by examining medians instead of the entire distribution.

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oscillation concerning the Latin term provincia between the two meanings of ‘task’ and ‘territory’. The purpose is to analyze early homecomings' episodes in a chronological span between the 1st Punic War and the Gracchan Age until the eve of the tribunate of

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