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gender differences in motivation for participation College Student Journal 40 3 704 714 . Christiansen Capital Advisors ( 2005
) and online video games ( Caplan, Williams, & Yee, 2009 ; Kardefelt-Winther, 2014 ). Motivations for gaming Another line of research in the field of video games is the study of players’ motivations. Among the most
Y. Chiang K. Huang 2014 MAM & U&G in Taiwan: Differences in the uses and gratifications of Facebook as a function of motivational reactivity
Az adaptív és maladaptív perfekcionizmussal együtt járó motivációs mintázatok feltáró vizsgálata
Exploratory Research of Motivational Patterns Related to Adaptive and Maladaptive Perfecionism*
., Accordino , M. P ., & Slaney , R. B . ( 2000 ). An investigation of perfectionism, mental health, achievement, and achievement motivation in adolescents . Psychology in the Schools , ( 37 ) 6 , 535 – 545 . 10.1002/1520-6807(200011)37:6<535::AID-PITS6
attention and motivation towards the anticipated rewards, which is all mediated by the activity of brain structures comprising reward circuitry ( Flagel & Robinson, 2017 ; Schultz, 2015 ). The cues can signal rewards that differ in respect of some
as “being overly concerned about SNSs, to be driven by a strong motivation to log on to or use SNSs, and to devote so much time and effort to SNSs that it impairs other social activities, studies/job, interpersonal relationships, and/or psychological
Az észlelt autonómiatámogatás hatása a teljesítéscélokra karate utánpótláskorosztályoknál
The impact of perceived autonomy support on motivation among young karate athletes
Irodalom Ames , C. ( 1992 ). Classrooms: Goals, structures, and student motivation . Journal of Educational Psychology , 84 ( 3 ), 261 – 271 . DOI: 10
role of ED among problematic gamers. Escapism motivations to play and emotional coping The construct of motivations to play ( Yee, 2006 ) could be critical in explaining the relationship between ED and PG. For example
Miért szexelnek az emberek? — Újratöltve — A szexuális motiváció kérdőív magyar adaptációjának rövid változata (YSEX?-HSF)
Why humans have sex? — Reloaded. The Hungarian adaptation and short form of why have sex (YSEX?-HSF)
. Cooper , M. L. , Shapiro , C. M. , & Powers , A. M. ( 1998 ). Motivations for sex and risky sexual behavior among adolescents and young adults: A functional perspective [Contains 29 items that assess on six motives] . Journal of Personality and
.), Handbook of motivation and cognition (pp. 93–130). Vol. 2. New York: Guilford Press. Bargh J. A. Handbook of motivation and cognition