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implications of the model for the treatment of individuals with compulsive sexual behavior disorder . Journal of Behavioral Addictions , 7 ( 4 ), 917 – 929 . . Bowen , S. , Chawla , N. , Collins , S. E

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disorder (PTSD; Forman-Hoffman et al., 2018 ; Schäfer & Najavits, 2007 ). Many individuals diagnosed with an SUD also experience at least one other addictive disorder, which can include both psychoactive substances and behavioral addictions ( Bhalla

Open access

al., 2014 ), which are similar presentations as exhibited by other behavioral addictions. Recent literature has focused on identifying the clinical characteristics of people with PSU, and have demonstrated the role of depression, social anxiety, and

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for exercise dependence (EXD) ( Coverley Veale, 1987 ). This type of behavioral addiction refers to excessive exercise that is associated with extreme preoccupation, neglect of exhaustion, maintenance of exercising in the presence of pain or physical

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Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Cheng Qin
Shuang Feng
Yuwen Chen
Xiaoyuan Liao
Xiaotong Cheng
Mingyuan Tian
Xinyi Zhou
Juan Deng
Yanjie Peng
Ke Gong
Kezhi Liu
Jing Chen
, and
Wei Lei

Introduction Internet gaming disorder (IGD) is a type of behavioral addiction that is characterized by “persistent and recurrent use of the Internet to engage in games” according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth

Open access

development in treatment for both chemical and behavioral addictions has been evaluative research into the therapeutic effectiveness of mindfulness. Promising emergent findings exist for the use of mindfulness in treating substance/alcohol use disorders

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Margo Hilbrecht
David Baxter
Max Abbott
Per Binde
Luke Clark
David C. Hodgins
Darrel Manitowabi
Lena Quilty
Jessika SpÅngberg
Rachel Volberg
Douglas Walker
, and
Robert J. Williams

begin by providing a background to the Framework development, then describe its structure, and conclude by addressing the relevance of the Framework to gambling and behavioral addictions researchers. About the framework The Framework development was

Open access

evidence a strong empirical base. For adolescent SUD, family-based interventions show a comparative superiority over individual therapies ( Tanner-Smith, Wilson, & Lipsey, 2013 ). In behavioral addictions such as gaming and gambling for instance, an

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Małgorzata Draps
Maria Kulesza
Agnieszka Glica
Julia Szymanowska
Katarzyna Lewińska
Weronika Żukrowska
, and
Mateusz Gola

differentiate among recreational and unregulated use of internet pornography . Journal of Behavioral Addictions , 1 – 11 . . Arend , I. , Rafal , R. , & Ward , R. ( 2008 ). Spatial and temporal deficits are

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Florent Wyckmans
Nilosmita Banerjee
Mélanie Saeremans
Ross Otto
Charles Kornreich
Laetitia Vanderijst
Damien Gruson
Vincenzo Carbone
Antoine Bechara
Tony Buchanan
, and
Xavier Noël

from recent research has also replicated these findings with PG (i.e., in the behavioral addiction of GD; Wyckmans et al., 2019 ). Wyckmans et al. (2019) demonstrated a diminished MB-system involvement coupled with an heightened MF-system involvement

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