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& Károly, 2005 ). This study also identifies implicitation by resorting to the ST. Another universal which may have a role in this study is normalization (standardization in Toury's terminology). It can be characterized as a tendency whereby translated

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was published by Castro-Prieto and Olvera Lobo (2007) . Through Author Citation Analysis and visual representation of author social networks, they mapped out the interactions within terminology research and revealed a correlation between frequency of

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earrings, this burial yielded a dark purple and a translucent “ornament”, the former described as a polygonal amethyst, the latter as a polygonal or barrel-shaped amethyst or rock crystal. 26 In the case of fluorite beads, the Croatian terminology employs

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and systematized English version of the principles published there in a rudimentary form or just as ideas. 1.1 Concepts and terminology A “raw” corpus is a series of tokens which are either word forms or punctuation marks. In contrast, an “annotated

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Adatok a dunai hajómalmok régészetéhez

Data on the archaeology of Danube ship mills

Archaeologiai Értesítő
János Attila Tóth

középkori malomhelyek körül (Questions of the Terminology and Meaning of the Term Locus Molendini in the Middle Ages) . Történelmi Szemle , 4 : 619 – 648 . Vajda , T. ( 2001 ). Adatok a Dráva-menti középkori fokgazdálkodásról . In: Weisz , B

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Tense? (Re)lax!

A new formalisation for a controversial contrast

Acta Linguistica Academica
Markus A. Pöchtrager

the several revisions of this text have made me a wiser man and that by now I manage to avoid confusion caused by terminology. 4 For arguments that coda–onset clusters also occur finally cf. Kaye (1990) ; Harris (1994) ; Harris & Gussmann (1998) . 5

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morphology, it is mostly assumed that morphology is realizational instead of incremental , using Stump's (2001) terminology. Unlike incremental theories, realizational theories assume that (inflectional) morphemes do not introduce morphosyntactic

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variably appears before certain suffixes. 9 Following the terminological convention, we will call this a linking vowel. With the exception of -i-, any of the short vowels 10 may be a

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style-forming situation which nowadays has acquired the latest version of its terminological designation as the “eidetic style,” 15 focused on the “matricular, original semantic image, based on which a certain reality is perceived.” 16 After a clear

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“An Era More than Bleak”

György Ligeti and Ferenc Farkas in the 1940s

Studia Musicologica
Lóránt Péteri

. 7 TALLIÁN, Magyar képek , 8–9. 8 UNGVÁRY, A Horthy-rendszer mérlege , 612. 9 For differing terminology, see GYARMATI, A Rákosi-korszak ; ROMSICS, Magyarország története and ROMSICS, A 20. század . 10 The word “turul” in the name of the

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