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the 17th annual conference of the European association for machine translation (pp. 199 – 206 ). The European Association for Machine Translation . Čulo , O. , & Nitzke , J. ( 2016 ). Patterns of terminological variation in post-editing and of
& Károly, 2005 ). This study also identifies implicitation by resorting to the ST. Another universal which may have a role in this study is normalization (standardization in Toury's terminology). It can be characterized as a tendency whereby translated
was published by Castro-Prieto and Olvera Lobo (2007) . Through Author Citation Analysis and visual representation of author social networks, they mapped out the interactions within terminology research and revealed a correlation between frequency of
earrings, this burial yielded a dark purple and a translucent “ornament”, the former described as a polygonal amethyst, the latter as a polygonal or barrel-shaped amethyst or rock crystal. 26 In the case of fluorite beads, the Croatian terminology employs
and systematized English version of the principles published there in a rudimentary form or just as ideas. 1.1 Concepts and terminology A “raw” corpus is a series of tokens which are either word forms or punctuation marks. In contrast, an “annotated
Adatok a dunai hajómalmok régészetéhez
Data on the archaeology of Danube ship mills
középkori malomhelyek körül (Questions of the Terminology and Meaning of the Term Locus Molendini in the Middle Ages) . Történelmi Szemle , 4 : 619 – 648 . Vajda , T. ( 2001 ). Adatok a Dráva-menti középkori fokgazdálkodásról . In: Weisz , B
Tense? (Re)lax!
A new formalisation for a controversial contrast
the several revisions of this text have made me a wiser man and that by now I manage to avoid confusion caused by terminology. 4 For arguments that coda–onset clusters also occur finally cf. Kaye (1990) ; Harris (1994) ; Harris & Gussmann (1998) . 5
morphology, it is mostly assumed that morphology is realizational instead of incremental , using Stump's (2001) terminology. Unlike incremental theories, realizational theories assume that (inflectional) morphemes do not introduce morphosyntactic
variably appears before certain suffixes. 9 Following the terminological convention, we will call this a linking vowel. With the exception of -i-, any of the short vowels 10 may be a
style-forming situation which nowadays has acquired the latest version of its terminological designation as the “eidetic style,” 15 focused on the “matricular, original semantic image, based on which a certain reality is perceived.” 16 After a clear