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Burials without bodies•
The symbolic burials of the Carpathian Basin and the Lower Danube region during the Late Neolithic and Copper Age
Testek nélküli temetkezések•
A Kárpát-medence és az Al-Duna vidék szimbolikus temetkezései a késő neolitikum és a rézkor idején
halálától a halál terminológiájáig. Megjegyzések a temetkezés fogalmához és a temetkezési ciklus állomásainak nevezéktanához (From the Death of Terminology to the Terminology of Death. Notes on the Concept of Burial and the Nomenclature of the Funerary Cycle
The investigation of ninth–eleventh century burials from Himod (NW Hungary)
Physical anthropology data in the light of artifact typology
-skull types predominate. Using traditional terminology, features of the Cromagnoid-A and Nordoid types can be observed on the better-preserved skulls of men. (Such typical male skulls can be seen in Figs 7 – 20 ). Smaller numbers of short-headed individuals
women’s dress. Literary sources, terminology, and historical development . Berlin and Boston . Raeder , J. ( 2023 ). The archaeological evidence . In: Raedicke , J. (Ed.), Roman women’s dress. Literary sources, terminology, and historical
terminology, see Stolleis 2012 :72. To eliminate this diversity, Stolleis proposes the term “transfer of normative orders” ( Transfer normativer Ordnungen ). Ibid. 75. 4 The older concept of reception has been displaced in the literature, since it generally
agree with Bónis’ opinion regarding legal folklore. From the diversity of Hungarian and international terminology, I used the term legal folk custom, as well as legal folklore, coined by lawyer and archaeologist László Papp in the 1940s ( Papp 1948
to medical technology where, as in every technical language, terminological accuracy was privileged over compliance with the standards of the refined literary language. Greek phonetic peculiarities are relatively well preserved. Y is only once
industrial elite. (German historians distinguish the wealthy elite or Besitzbürger as against the intellectuals or Bildungsbürgertum , while in the French terminology bourgeois is juxtaposed to the public role of the citizen, called citoyen ). In
proponatur aut admovetur, vel saltem id eveniat cum minori danno et offensione catholicae religionis christianorum morum et libertatis quoad conversionem sensibus” 7 C.f. e.g. Stipta 2017:30.: The issue of the use of terminology was also present in the
): 198 – 215 . 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.06.033 Inizan , M.-L. , Reduron-Ballinger , M. , Roche , H. , and Tixier , J. ( 1999 ). Technology and terminology of knapped stone . Préhistoire de la Pierre Taillée, 5 . C.R.E.P. , Nanterre . Jelínková
licensed by case (case-sensitive agreement in the terminology of Bobaljik (2008) and Baker (2015) ) is also reported e.g. in the case of agreement with ergative subjects in Ingush and other Caucasian languages. Case is independent of agreement e.g. in