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Koronavírus-világjárvány – a COVID–19-kaleidoszkóp ma (2022. május)
Coronavirus pandemic – the COVID–19 kaleidoscope today (May, 2022)
References 1 2 https
A COVID–19-járvány hatása a leggyakoribb légzőszervi megbetegedések lefolyására
The impact of the COVID–19 epidemic on the course of the most common respiratory diseases
References 1 Zaim S, Chong JM, Sankaranarayanan V, et al. COVID-19 and multiorgan response. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2020; 45: 100618
References 1 Worldometer. COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. Last update: March 27, 2020. Available from: [accessed: March 25
Monoklonális antitestek és egyéb biológiai terápiák a COVID–19 kezelésére
Monoclonal antibodies and other biologics for treatment of COVID-19
References 1 Chvatal-Medina, M., Mendez-Cortina, Y., Patiño, P. J., Velilla, P. A., & Rugeles, M. T. (2021) Antibody Responses in COVID-19: A Review. Front
:// [accessed: March 26, 2020]. 4 Ministry of Human Capacities. Recommendations related to COVID-19 post-mortem procedure – Budapest, 2020 March 21. [Az EMMI Egészségügyi Szakmai
Öngyilkossági halálozás Magyarországon a COVID–19-pandémia idején.
Az első két járványév (2020 és 2021) tapasztalatai
Suicide mortality in Hungary during the COVID–19 pandemic.
Experiences of the first two pandemic years (2020 and 2021)
References 1 Osváth P, Bálint L, Németh A, et al. Changes in suicide mortality of Hungary during the first year of the COVID–19 pandemic. [A magyarországi
Milyen hatása van a COVID–19-járványnak a gyermekkori akut appendicitisekre?
How COVID-19 pandemic influences paediatric acute appendicitis cases?
References 1 Leva E, Morandi A, Sartori A, et al. Correspondence from Northern Italy about our experience with COVID-19. J Pediatr Surg. 2020; 55: 985
COVID–19 járvány hatása a pszichiátriai megbetegedések gyakoriságára – PTSD
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence of psychiatric illnesses – PTSD
) Mental disorder prevalence among populations impacted by coronavirus pandemics: A multilevel meta-analytic study of COVID-19, MERS & SARS. General Hospital Psychiatry, Vol. 12. No. 70. pp. 124
A csecsemőmirigy T-sejtjeinek összetételében létrejövő változások a COVID–19-pandémia alatt
Changes of the T cell composition in the thymus during the COVID–19 pandemic
–14. 2 Gong J, Dong H, Xia QS, et al. Correlation analysis between disease severity and inflammation-related parameters in patients with COVID-19: a retrospective study. BMC Infect Dis. 2020; 20
resilience in frontline healthcare workers during COVID-19. Am J Emerg Med. 2020; 38: 1530–1531. 8 44/2018. (XII. 19.) EMMI Decree, amending the ministerial decrees