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of Turnus via her messenger Iris, and Jupiter’s interaction with Cybele regarding the fate of Aeneas’ ships. 44 On this cf. ZANKER, P.: The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus . Ann Arbor 1988, 53–56. 45 Cf. VIII 626 illic res Italas Romanorumque

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‒224 . Matsushita , Shuji 1972 . An Outline of Gwandara Phonemics and Gwandara-English Vocabulary . Tokyo : Tokyo Press . Meeks , Dimitri 1998 . Année lexicographique . Égypte ancienne. Tome 1-3 (1977-1979) . [2 ème édition] Paris : Cybele . [AL I

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. Égypte ancienne. Tome 1–3 (1977–1979) . [ 2ème édition ] Paris : Cybele . Meinhof , Carl 1906 . ‘Linguistische Studien in Ostafrika. Fortsetzung.’ Mitteilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen 9 : 278 – 333 . Militarev , Alexander

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.] Paris: Cybele. Albright, William Foxwell 1918. ‘Notes on Egypto-Semitic Etymology. II.’ American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 34/4: 215

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: inde, ubi ter fruges medios immisit in ignes . The structure of the description of the celebration held on the first day of Megalesia in honour of Cybele (IV 183–190) is quite similar. The paragraph preceded by a short introduction (179–182) and

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, lásd J. D. Hawkins: Kubaba at Karkamiš and Elsewhere. AS 31 (1981) 147–176. 21 A Kybelé-kultuszról lásd L. E. Roller: In Search of God the Mother: The Cult of Anatolian Cybele . Berkeley – Los Angeles (1999); Attis kultuszáról lásd J. Bremmer: Attis

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