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, revised by Lawson , F.H. (2nd edn, Cambridge University Press 1974 ). Buckland , W.W. , A Text-Book of Roman Law from Augustus to Justinian , revised by Stein , P. (3

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–13), how, why and where they were written (during Jordanes' stay at Constantinople). The historical background was separately studied (in the 540s Justinian's recuperatio imperii became unsuccessful in Italy, Germanus' mission) (pp. 13–19). The authors in

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auch ein Beitrag zum römischen Recht zu erwähnen (Gerhard Thür, Justinian und Gaius). Die Begegnung zwischen Ost und West wird in den meisten Fällen anhand von Einzelbeispielen demonstriert. Aber es findet sich auch eine ganze Reihe von Titeln, die

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Condition of the Slave in Private Law from Augustus to Justinian ( CUP 1908 ). Chevallier , P. , ‘ La “reconciliatio mutui”. Contribution à l'étude du prêt dans la Rome ancienne ’ ( 1955 ) 32 Revue historique de droit français et étranger 376 – 411

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– Tontsch 1974 ). His first textbook-style work ( Sententiae ) was a collection of Justinian quotations, which, in terms of their spirit, formed the initial Roman law backbone of the private and criminal law elements of the later “Saxon codification

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tried to find new ways. One of the dominant new trends was interpolation research, which used methods of textual criticism to distinguish classical quotations from those of Justinian within the Corpus Iuris . 63

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Four coins were discovered during the excavations at the church in Kfar Truman. 144 Unfortunately, the identification cards lack locus and basket information. All coins are folles made of copper. The earliest coin belongs most likely to Justinian I

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water. Justinian's Digest mentions some of them: interdict of the daily and summer water ( de aqua quotidiana et aestiva ), 38 interdict of the canals ( de rivis ), 39 interdict of the springs ( de fonte ), 40 interdict of the drains ( de cloacis

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Stellungnahme zum Memorial 15 zwei Perioden der lateinischen Literatur: 1. bis Tacitus (oder Fronto/Apuleius/Gellius), 2. von da bis Justinian. Für die erste empfiehlt er die vollständige Neusammlung des Materials, für die zweite nur Exzerption. Genau so wurde

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under Galba.” 3 Cf. Gowing (1990) and Molin (2016) . 4 Cf. Philostratus, Sophists' Lives 2. 10. 5 Roman Hist . 72. 4. 2: I state these and subsequent facts from my own observations. 6 Justinian, Inst . 1. 2. 8, and Gellius XIII 13. 1. 7 Roman

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