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Graves of the early medieval nomads from the eastern Azov region

Kora középkori nomád temetkezések az Azovi-tenger keleti partvidékéről

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Pavel Sokolov
Bence Gulyás

Evropy v epohu srednevekovia , 5 : 55 – 72 . Belinskij , A.B. and Härke , H. ( 2018 ). Ritual, society and population at Klin-Yar (North Caucasus). Excavations 1994–1996 in the Iron Age to early medieval cemetery . Vol. 36 . Archäologie in

Open access

. , V.V. Silantiev 1991 : New crustacean coprolites from the Upper Paleocene of North Caucasus . – Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie- und Bergbaustudenten in Österreich , 37 , pp. 75 – 82

Open access

Újabb preszkíta tőr a Dél-Dunántúlról

Another pre-Scythian dagger from South Transdanubia

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Géza Szabó
Csilla Gáti

AD, Central Europe was subject to at least two major attacks from the east or south-east, which can be traced back to the North Caucasus. At the end of the 7th century BC, the second wave was well documented by finds and sources and led to the

Restricted access

. Belinskij , A.B. , and Härke , H. ( 2018 ). Ritual, society and population at Klin-Yar (North Caucasus): Excavations 1994–1996 in the Iron Age to early

Open access