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became the common procedure, which gave rise to the conceptual distinction of written and unwritten laws. The oldest such reference to unwritten law is preserved in Sophocles' Antigone (454–455), where Antigone sets ‘the unwritten and unfailing statutes

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–6 ), 425 – 446 . 10.1007/s11159-004-4616-9 Osofu-Appiah , L. H. ( 1976 ). Sophocles Antigone

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) haragjára. 22 Vö. Vernant: i. m . (4. j.) 124. 23 Vö. A.-B. Renger: Oedipus and the Sphinx. The Threshold Myth from Sophocles through Freud to Cocteau . Chicago – London (2013) 44. 24 A drámában Kreón és a nép (a Kar) képviselik a megfelelően józan

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see, these three authors are also of importance for Voegelin. Needless to say, both Weil and Voegelin draw on many more ancient authors, among others Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides. Reading ancient texts, Simone Weil used selected

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Greek, such a use of the imperfect tense is very common and occurs in the works by Hesiod, Sophocles, and many other authors, but in Latin, it is not so frequent. I found only 7 examples: 3 occurrences in the Plautus’ plays and 4 in the Gospels. Let us

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quatre saisons n’a été que progressivement ressenti comme un automatisme. Dans une de ses tragédies, Sophocle présente certes de façon imagée le passage de témoin entre l’hiver et l’été ( Aj . 670–671 : τοῦτο μὲν νιφοστιβεῖς / χειμῶνες ἐκχωροῦσιν εὐκάρπῳ

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, remains the main proof of this objection. 93 It would only be, however, the crudest of analyses that would see human sacrifice as being in any way typical of attempts to insure an appearance by the dead (see part I). In Sophocles’ lost play Polyxene

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we are stronger by far. I would spare neither you or nor your companions to escape the hatred of Zeus – unless the spirit moved me.” 6 Sophocles, Ajax 845. 7

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. 19 Texts from Hesiod's Theogony (Greek), fragments from Hesychius' Lexicon , Aeschylus' Prometheus , and Sophocles' Trachiniae (Greek), and passages from Massimo Cacciari's Master of the Game I and II (Italian

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Going through a lake of Darkness

The Nemi crater as a gateway to the Roman Underworld

Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Loredana Lancini
Francesca Diosono

read in Diodorus, 15 who cites Timaeus of Tauromenion, and even Sophocles. 16 Servius, in his commentary on verse 107 of book VI of the Aeneid , states that the description of the Underworld corresponds to the account of Ulysses' entry into the

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