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differences were observed in the samples of the Battonya–Pusztaföldvár Basement Ridge (Battonya–Pusztaföldvár BR) that are rhyolites according to the immobile element-based rock classification (Zr/TiO 2 vs. Nb/Y), while the others are rhyodacites

Open access
Central European Geology
Máté Zsigmond Leskó
Richárd Zoltán Papp
Boglárka Anna Topa
Ferenc Kristály
Tamás Vigh
, and
Norbert Zajzon

U-178 Na 2 O MgO Al 2 O 3 SiO 2 P 2 O 5 SO 3 K 2 O CaO TiO 2 Fe 2 O 3

Open access
Central European Geology
Máté Zsigmond Leskó
Richárd Zoltán Papp
Ferenc Kristály
József Pálfy
, and
Norbert Zajzon

Table 1. Chemical composition of the dissolution residue from representative samples determined by SEM-EDS. Concentrations are expressed in m/m% Na 2 O MgO Al 2 O 3 SiO 2 P 2 O 3 SO 2 K 2 O CaO TiO 2 FeO LK-11 0.66 1.60 7.48 82.67 1.65 0.38 1

Open access
Central European Geology
Zsófia Pálos
István János Kovács
Dávid Karátson
Tamás Biró
Judit Sándorné Kovács
Éva Bertalan
Anikó Besnyi
György Falus
Tamás Fancsik
Martina Tribus
László Előd Aradi
Csaba Szabó
, and
Viktor Wesztergom

.5 61.3 TiO 2 0.90 0.92 0.60 0.57 0.89 0.83 0.82 0

Open access

AVARRO , S. , 2014 . Minimization of metabenztiazuron residues in leaching water using amended soils and photocatalytic treatment with TiO 2 and ZnO . Journal of Environmental Sciences . 26 . 757 – 764

Restricted access

. A DAMS , L. K. , L YON , D. Y. & A LVAREZ P. J. J. , 2006 . Comparative eco-toxicity of nanoscale TiO 2 , SiO 2 , and ZnO water suspensions . Water Research . 40 . 3527 – 3532

Restricted access

because mafic melt extraction from a primitive mantle source progressively depleted in basaltic components, such as Al 2 O 3 , CaO, TiO 2 , and Na 2 O, and refertilization of an originally depleted source by melts rich in basaltic components (including Al

Open access

2 Qtz + R * ln a TiO 2 − 273.15 , where R is the gas constant 8.3145 J/K, is the mole fraction of TiO 2 in quartz (ppm), is the activity of TiO 2 in the system, and the adjustable parameters a, b , and c are a  = 60,952 ± 3,122, b  = 1

Open access
Central European Geology
Ildikó Gyollai
Ákos Kereszturi
Zsolt Kereszty
Máté Szabó
, and
Elias Chatzitheodoridis

SiO 2 54.2 63.6 58.9 3.25 TiO 2 0 1.01 0.18 0

Open access