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. Tymoczko, M. 2000. Translation and Political Engagement. Activism, Social Change and the Role of Translation in Geopolitical Shifts. The Translator Vol. 6. N. 1. 23-47. Translation and Political Engagement. Activism, Social

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In terms of theme, Season of Anomy, Soyinka's last novel to date, is one of Africa's most insightful literary works. Its concern with problematizing war, ethno-regional politics, and venal military cabals could hardly be more pertinent to the convulsive country that it addresses. We argue that Season moves beyond mere testimonial as it is driven by the theme of societal regeneration. The novel is a definitive reading of the militarized state in Africa. In spite of its visionary optic, the work is impaled on the horns of a very contemporary African dilemma, namely: what are the elements of a political program for social reconstruction in the context of a suffocating predatory state? The problem is evident in the text's tension with respect to violence versus non-violence on the one hand, and mass-line activism versus individual heroism on the other.

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The aim of this paper is to describe the consumer behaviour and everyday lifestyle patterns of Hungarian university and college students. The results are gained from an international survey, carried out by the Department of Environmental Economics and Technology at the Corvinus University of Budapest, supported by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. As background literature, characteristics of the consumer society and the development of sustainable consumption as a concept are interpreted in the paper. The empirical analysis aims to describe the most important clusters of students, based on the factors of their consumer behaviour, environmental activism and pro-environmental everyday habits. Our results identify two extreme clusters which most significantly differ from each other: the environmental activists and the indifferent group. However, a third cluster has the most modest consumer behaviour, namely the group which considers product features, energy consumption and the behaviour of producers. They spend the least on consumer goods. The three other clusters show quite mixed lifestyle patterns.

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A loser of the First World War, interwar Bulgaria is characterized by developments in its spiritual and religious life that reflect the idea, and the feeling, of a “national catastrophe”. One of the expressions of this general mood is the multiplication of religious organizations run by lay people in which religious activism is infused with ideas of national grandeur. Born in the early 1920s, The Good Samaritan was an ultra-Orthodox organization founded by former military officers with the help of an Orthodox priest. Within a few years it entered in conflict with the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, which treated it as a sect. It was, however, successful in rallying citizens and peasants alike under millenarian slogans. The association relied on visionaries and popular prophets to promote its ideas of Bulgaria as a New Israel. The paper focuses on two of the most outspoken prophets acting on behalf of The Good Samaritan , both women. By examining their visionary techniques and pronouncements, the aim is to show how national ideology and political climate influence the “work” of visionaries and give them credence.

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Europe and its southern neighbors

Interdependence, security and economic development in contemporary EU-MENA relations

Society and Economy
Daniel Gugan

The paper analyzes European Union – Middle East and North Africa (EU-MENA) relations from the perspective of complex interdependencies. As a theoretical framework, it outlines the application of Barry Buzan’s Security Complex Theory on the Euro-Mediterranean (or EU-MENA) region-pair. This involves the provision of a general overview on the several sectors of interdependence between the two regions, namely the military, political, economic, societal and environmental sectors. The paper then turns towards the deeper elaboration of the economic sector and identifies it as the most potent sector for European activism, where the Union could work most effectively on building a long-term solution for the stabilization of the MENA. As conclusions, the paper argues for a deeper economic integration between the two regions, which would provide opportunities for the MENA’s population to be economically successful “at home”, therefore reducing not only the highly visible migration pressure on the EU, but also other security threats such as civil wars, organized crime and weapon proliferation.

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Thinking about Power Relations Once Again •

Response to Ieva Zauberga’s Paper

Across Languages and Cultures
Şebnem Susam-Sarajeva

. Translation in a Postcolonial Context. Early Irish Literature in English Translation . Manchester : St. Jerome . Tymoczko , M . 2000 . Translation and Political Engagement. Activism, Social Change and the Role of Translation in Geopolitical Shifts . The

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Adattudományi innováció az egészségügy környezeti kihívásainak kezelésében: a nagy adatállományok hasznosításának jelentősége és lehetőségei a járványkezelésben

Innovation in Data Science to Address the Environmental Challenges of Health Systems: the Significance and Opportunities of the Analysis of Big Routine Datasets in Pandemic Management

Scientia et Securitas
Péter Gaál
Tamás Joó
Tamás Palicz
Péter Pollner
István Schiszler
, and
Miklós Szócska

Összefoglaló. A COVID-19 járvány rámutatott arra, hogy az egészségügy kiemelt nemzetbiztonsági terület. Az egészségbiztonsági kockázati tényezőkkel szemben ellenálló egészségügyi rendszerek adattudományi innováció nélkül nem képzelhetők el. A közlemény két esettanulmányon keresztül mutatja be, hogy a nagy, működés során generálódó adatbázisok elemzése hogyan segítheti a járványokkal szembeni védekezést. A mobilcella információk elemzése a leghatékonyabb eszköz a tömeges népességmozgások nyomon követésére, így a vesztegzár intézkedések hatásának döntéstámogatási célú vizsgálatára, az oltásellenes közösségimédia-aktivitás hálózatelemzése pedig segíti az immunizációs kampányok tervezését és megvalósítását. Tanulmányunkban amellett érvelünk, hogy az egészségügy információ- és kommunikációtechnológia fejlődésére építő digitalizációja a kulcsa egy környezeti változásokkal megbirkózni képes egészségügy kialakításának.

Summary. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that health and health care should be considered a top priority area of national security. Health security risks can only be addressed with resilient health systems, which are not possible to be established without innovation in health data science. This publication introduces two examples to illustrate this point, both in the field of the management of epidemics. The first case provides a summary of our previous publication about how mobile phone Call Detail Records can be used to trace population movement to evaluate the effectiveness of movement restriction measures, such as the lock down, which was implemented in Hungary during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our analysis shows that the collation and processing of Call Detail Records is an effective and inexpensive method to monitor mass population movement, and complements well the GPS-based smartphone method, which is more suitable for contact tracing and controlling of home quarantine of individuals. Our CDR-based method could be used by other countries, as well as to monitor movement between countries at the European level or internationally, with minimal adaptation effort. The second case introduces a study to gain insight into and better understanding of the potential impact of antivaccination social media activism on the Human Papilloma Virus vaccination campaign in Hungary in 2014. The network analysis of Facebook antivaccination posts and comments showed that during this period, the activists in this network were unable to reach a wider population and were not able to disturb the implementation of the expansion of the well functioning Hungarian public vaccination programme. Unfortunately, this is not the case regarding the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in progress, which suggests that the antivaccination activism is a real and serious security threat to be dealt with. In conclusion, we argue in this paper that the digital transformation of health care, based on the explosive development of information and communication technologies, is of key importance to the establishment of resilient health systems, which are able to cope efficiently with the challenges posed by the rapid environmental changes generated by societal transformation of the 21st century.

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The demand of radioisotopes is rising due to wide-ranging applications in industry, agriculture, medicine and in research. Two sources of artificial radioisotopes are accelerators and reactors. The reactor offers large volume for irradiation, simultaneous irradiation of different samples and economy of production, whereas accelerators are generally used to produce those isotopes which can not be produced by reactor. Radioisotope production started on a significant scale in several countries with the commissioning of research reactors starting from the late 1950s. The period from 1950 to 1970 saw construction of a large number of research reactors with multiple facilities. After 1980, because of the decommissioning of many old ones, the number of operating reactors has been steadily decreasing. The research reactors used for radioisotope production could be broadly classified into swimming pool type and tank type reactors. CANDU power reactors currently produce many millions of curies per year of 60Co for MDS Nordion’s use in industry and commerce. Studies related to production of other isotopes in power reactors have also been performed. Indeed, while a very few reactors have come online in the past decade, many more have been retired or may retire in coming years. After failure of MAPLE project, there has been unwillingness to built new reactors. Activism and politics has made it so difficult to build new reactors that we are left to use only the reactors we inherited from a nuclear era. Many design considerations and requirements for the production of isotopes in power reactors must be assessed, such as; operator and public safety, minimum impact on station efficiency and reactor operations, shielding requirements during reactor operation with target adjusters and removal of the target adjusters from core, transportation within the station, and finally the processing and shipment off-site. Use of power reactors for isotope production is reviewed.

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Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc., Toronto, Canada, accessibility at the portal P. Japertas, R. Didziapetris, A. Petrauskas , Quant. Struct. Activ

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Az új kormány- és konvergenciaprogramok türkében felgyorsultak az egészségügyi ágazat átalakításával kapcsolatos intézkedések. Nem közömbös, hogy a magyar társadalom egészségügyi ellátását és prevencióját biztosító járóbeteg- és kórházi szakellátás így milyen állami pénzügyi feltételrendszer mellett történik. A tanulmány az egészségügyi ellátórendszert új típusú nemzetgazdasági versenyképességi tényezőként definiálja, amelynek működését az új konvergenciaprogram tükrében formálódó állami költségvetési-pénzügyi helyzet igen nagy mértékben befolyásolja. A dolgozat empirikus közgazdasági elemző módszereivel igazolható, hogy a központi költségvetési hiány állandósulásával az egészségügyi társadalombiztosítási ellátórendszer gazdálkodása is nehézségekkel terhelt. Az egészségügyi ágazatban tervezett racionalizálási intézkedések a periferikus társadalmi pozíciókban élők, illetve a társadalmi munkamegosztásból kiesettek munkaerő-piaci reintegrációját nehezítik. Az egészségügy finanszírozási problémái miatt az aktív munkaerő egészségügyi prevenciója, munkamegosztási folyamatokban történő tartós részvétele sem biztosítható, így az egészségügyi ellátórendszer, mint új típusú versenyképességi tényező szakmailag elvárható hatékonysága fejlesztést igényel. Az elkövetkező években az egészségügyi ellátórendszernél növekvő feladatellátással indokolt számolni, amely nem elvonásokat, hanem pótlólagos forrásbevonást indokol, hiszen az egészségügy értékteremtő, egészségi értéket növelő új típusú versenyképességet jelentő ágazat.

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