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Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Szabolcs Czifra
Attila Kreiter
Éva Kovács-Széles
Mária Tóth
Orsolya Viktorik
, and
Beáta Tugya

This paper deals with the archaeological material of a Scythian Age settlement excavated near Nagytarcsa in 2007. Located on the higher terrace of a stream, the site represents a characteristic lowland, hamlet-like settlement of the Vekerzug culture, where animal husbandry played an important role in subsistence. Based on diagnostic ceramic finds and radiocarbon dating the settlement can be assigned to the Ha D2 period. The archaeological description, as well as the evaluation of settlement features and finds, is supplemented with a detailed petrographic analysis with an emphasis on wheel-thrown and Hallstatt type ceramics. The petrographic and geochemical analysis of the sherds and sediments collected on the site aim to confirm archaeological interpretations in order to determine the provenance of the ceramics and to assess whether their technological characteristics suggest specialization in production.

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Introduction Clay vessels accentuated with metal adornments represent an unusual, rare group in the material record of the Late Bronze Age. The different varieties of metal embellishments adorning clay pottery and the distribution of these vessels

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This article publishes all earlier archaeological data on the watch-towers of the Szentendrei-sziget and compares with the Roman age of other islands of Danube in Hungary. The age and function of the sites are questionable, without new investigations it cannot be determined whether they belong to the Roman or the Middle age.

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In his correspondence Rousseau’s unfolding of character shows him to be a brilliant polemicist when pushed against the wall by religious fanaticism. That brilliance manifests itself in the sharpness of his argument, the clarity of his images and the combative vocabulary which he can summon effortlessly. On the religious issue his letters are full of sarcasm, indignation and regret. This is the outcome of his encounter with theodium theologicum, that non-filterable virus which forced him to uproot himself frequently and traverse the map of Europe seeing respite and asylum. The letters contain relatively little on the substantive issues raised in theological discourse; they reflect Rousseau’s response to the unfortunate result of that discourse as they were concretized in his own life through persecution and ostracism. It is not surprising, therefore that the letters are a kind of sermon in which Rousseau calls for an ecumenical approach to religion in which, as he put it in theLettre de la Montagne, where there can be “de grands changements dans les coeurs, des conversions sans clat, de la foi sans dispute, du zle sans fanatisme, de la raison sans impit”.

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Tainted greatness: The case of voltaire's anti-semitism

The testimony of the correspondence

Arnold Ages
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– Ntaflos , Theodoros – Salasberger , Dietmar 2010 Untersuchungen zu Herstellung und Gebrauch eines Schalenknaufschwertes aus Unterradlberg, Niederösterreich (Analysis of the manufacture and use of a Bronze age sword of Schalenknauf

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close relationship with the king, which often resembled a friendship, until his death in 1510. 20 He composed humanist verses not only on the death of the young Queen Anne, which caused great grief to the aging Wladislas ( Elegia consolatoria in funere

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